PM Netanyahu's remarks at the start of the Cabinet meeting 11 February 2018

PM Netanyahu's remarks at the start of the Cabinet meeting

    Yesterday we made it unequivocally clear to everyone that our rules of action have not changed one bit; we will continue to strike at every attempt to strike at us. This has been our policy and it will remain our policy.
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    Israel Cabinet meeting (archive) Israel Cabinet meeting (archive) Copyright: GPO/Kobi Gideon
    ​(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, this morning (Sunday, 11 February 2018), at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting, made the following remarks:
    "A few minutes ago I spoke with the navigator and was pleased to hear that he is standing up, with all that entails. I was also pleased to hear that there has been an improvement in the condition of the pilot. We wish both of them a quick and full recovery. We salute our pilots, soldiers and commanders, especially the Chief-of-Staff. They are guarding the State of Israel and we are proud of them.
    Yesterday we dealt severe blows to the Iranian and Syrian forces. We made it unequivocally clear to everyone that our rules of action have not changed one bit; we will continue to strike at every attempt to strike at us. This has been our policy and it will remain our policy.
    I would also like to say that I am proud of you, the citizens of Israel. Yesterday we again proved that in moments of crisis we know how to come together and rebuff our enemies and guard our country."