PM Netanyahu's official visit to India

PM Netanyahu’s state visit to India

    The Indo-Israeli relationship continues to reach new heights with growing ties between Israel and India in a number of fields. Prime Minister Netanyahu will strengthen these ties during his visit to India on January 14-19. ​
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    Indian PM Modi welcoming PM Netanyahu and his wife Sara upon their arrival in India Indian PM Modi welcoming PM Netanyahu and his wife Sara upon their arrival in India Copyright: GPO/Avi Ohayon
    ​January 13, 2018:
    On Saturday evening, Prime Minster Netanyahu departed on an official visit to India marking 25 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries and six months since Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s historic visit to Israel. 
    Prior to his departure, Prime Minister Netanyahu made the following remarks: 
    “This evening I am leaving on an historic visit to India. I will meet with the Prime ​Minister, my friend Narendra Modi, with the Indian President and with many other leaders. We will sign very many agreements. We are strengthening ties between Israel and this important global power. This serves our security, economic, trade and tourism interests, as well as many other areas. This is a great blessing for the State of Israel."
    During PM Netanyahu’s visit to India, Israel and India will sign a number of bilateral agreements in the fields of innovation, cyber, and energy. 

    January 14, 2018:
    Upon arriving in India, PM Netanyahu and his wife Sara were surprised by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi who came to welcome them in person to India. According to Indian protocol, India's Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj typically greets dignitaries. PM Netanyahu thanked Prime Minister Modi for his warm welcome noting "I very much a​ppreciate the gesture."
    PM Netanyahu and PM Modi attended a ceremony to name a square in New Delhi "Teen Murti" in honor of Haifa. The square is dedicated to the Indian soldiers who fell during World War I in the fighting to liberate Haifa. 
    During the ceremony Prime Minister Netanyahu noted "This gesture underscores the special link and the common history between Israel and India.” 
    PM Netanyahu met with Indian External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj and noted during their meeting, "There’s a lot of enthusiasm, not only in our meetings at the level of governments and leaders, but also in the people. I see this and it’s heartwarming. So I want to thank you for this welcome, and I look forward to discussing with you how we can further improve our ties."
    Minister Swaraj emphasized the warm and special friendship between the two countries and said that they want to deepen cooperation in all areas. She pointed out the fact that the reciprocal visits in the past year reflect the friendship between the countries.
    On Sunday evening, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi hosted a dinner for PM Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara at his official residence in Delhi.

    January 15, 2018:
    PM Netanyahu and his wife Sara were welcomed by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the Presidential Palace in an official ceremony that included an honor guard of more than 100 soldiers. 
    PM Netanyahu noted: “This is the dawn of a new era in the great friendship between India and Israel that began with PM Modi’s historic visit to Israel. It continues with my visit here which is deeply moving for my wife and me and for the people of Israel."​
    During the meeting, PM Netanyahu noted, "I believe that democracy cannot be taken for granted. Despite the doubts, despite the challenges, India and Israel are living proof not only that democracy works but they demonstrate something deeper – the intrinsic value of freedom."
    PM Netanyahu and PM Modi signed a number of bilateral agreements in the fields of energy, cinema, aviation, cyber, mutual investments. 
    During the signing of the agreements, PM Netanyahu noted, "We are proud that we are seizing the future so we can make a better life for our peoples and for others around the world. Our commitment to do so is reflected in the manifold agreements that we sign today in cyber, in aviation, in energy, even in cinema."
    PM Netanyahu met with Indian President Ram Nath Kovind at the Presidential Palace. During the meeting the two discussed the special relationship between Israel and India and PM Netanyahu invited President Noth Kovind to visit Israel. 
    PM Netanyahu and Indian PM Modi attended a forum of managing directors of major Israeli and Indian companies. They also attended an economic event, along with hundreds of Israeli and Indian business people, at which the prime ministers launched a $40 million Israeli-Indian development fund and called on companies to submit their applications. 
    PM Netanyahu was joined by an Israeli business delegation, the largest business delegation that has ever accompanied a Prime Minister of Israel on an official visit. The goals of the delegation are to enhance and strengthen economic ties and to create joint business opportunities between Israeli and Indian businesspeople.
    At the managing directors forum, PM Netanyahu noted, "The future is now. We are seizing the future. If we seize it together we'll go a lot faster and there's a natural affinity and sympathy and enthusiasm, creativity and ingenuity on this side of the table and this side of the table.​

    January 16, 2018
    PM Netanyahu and his wife Sara along with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, attended the Raisina Dialogue; PM Netanyahu was the featured speaker. Other speakers included former heads of government and senior ministers from around the world, as well as prominent academics and government officials, among others.
    PM Netanyahu noted, "Exponential growth is achieved by the confluence of Big Data, connectivity and artificial intelligence. The countries that will seize the future are those that will innovate along these lines. The future belongs to those who innovate."
    PM Netanyahu and his wife Sara toured the Taj Mahal. During their visit, PM Netanyahu noted, "This is a moment of relaxation on a very intensive visit. I would like to thank Indian Prime Minister Modi for allowing us this moment as well. In India we have met much love, love for Israel, and here we are in the temple of love."
    PM Netanyahu  – at the Taj Mahal – met with Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Sri Yogi Adityanath.​

    January 17, 2018:
    PM Netanyahu and his wife Sara visited Gujarat, where they were welcomed in Amdavad by Indian PM Modi as thousands of residents lined the streets waving Israel and Indian flags. Hundreds of signs were hung with the pictures of the two prime ministers and "Welcome to Amdavad" in Hebrew. Street appearances with traditional dances and special bands were also held.
    Foreign Ministry Director General Yuval Rotem noted, "This is an unprecedented welcome. In all my years at the Foreign Ministry, I have not seen such a special and impressive welcome with so many participants. The residents took to the streets to honor and applaud the prime ministers and relations between the countries."
    PM Netanyahu and his wife Sara, along with Indian PM Modi visited the iCreate Centre for Entrepreneurship and Technology. PM Netanyahu met with young Indian entrepreneurs who presented innovate projects in the framework of a special exhibition in his honor. Also at iCreate are 36 startups, 18 from each country, that were chosen to participate in a unique "Bridge to Innovation" plan, the goal of which is to find joint responses to global water, agriculture and health challenges. The plan is pursuant to an Israeli government decision that was made approximately two weeks before Indian Prime Minister Modi's recent visit to Israel.
    Prime Minister Netanyahu issued certificates to the 18 Indian startups; Indian Prime Minister Modi issued certificates to the 18 Israeli startups.Prime Minister Netanyahu also presented Prime Minister Modi with a Galmobile water purification vehicle​.
    PM Netanyahu noted, "Today I have a simple message: I want young Indians to know that Israel wants to form partnerships with you in technology, in water, in agriculture, in cyber, in drones, in health, in life sciences, in every field we are your partners. I want young Israelis to come to India not just with a backpack but with a laptop. This is a century of boundless potential and that's why I've come here – to encourage young innovators from our two countries to work together."

    January 18, 2018: 
    PM Netanyahu met with senior Indian businesspeople at a power breakfast. He called on them to invest in Israel in a variety of fields and invited them to join the long list of major international companies that have already invested in Israel and opened research and development centers there. The Prime Minister said that he was certain that in Israel they could find advanced technological solutions in a variety of fields.
    PM Netanyahu also participated in a forum with the Israeli business delegation and Indian businesspeople. The Israeli business delegation is the largest delegation that has ever accompanied a prime minister on an official visit. The goal of the Israeli business delegation is to deepen economic ties and create joint business opportunities between Israeli and Indian businesspeople.
    PM Netanyahu noted, "We are truly your partners. This is a partnership made in heaven. Let us now consecrate it on earth. Come to Israel, invest in Israel and Israel will come here as well."

    See also:


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