MFA statement regarding events in Gaza 31 March 2018

MFA statement regarding events in Gaza

    Anyone who mistakenly views in this murderous spectacle even an iota of freedom of expression is blind to the threats the State of Israel faces.
    ​(Communicated by the MFA Spokesperson)

    The border fence between Israel and the Gaza Strip separates a sovereign state and a terrorist organization.

    It separates a state that protects its citizens from murderers who send their countrymen into danger.

    The fence separates an army that uses force in self-defense and in a focused and proportionate manner, and Hamas, an organization that sanctifies murder and death, that for years – yesterday included - has been intent on harming millions of Israelis.

    Anyone who mistakenly views in this murderous spectacle even an iota of freedom of expression is blind to the threats the State of Israel faces.