Israeli Innovation Center at the Peres Center for Peace and Innovation launched 25 Oct 2018

Israeli Innovation Center at the Peres Center for Peace and Innovation launched at the Prime Minister’s Innovation Summit

    Chemi Peres: "“Shimon Peres’ vision was for the Peres Center for Peace and Innovation to be a window into tomorrow. The future belongs to those who dream. Those who dare to dream, to move forward, and lead us into a new era."
    ​(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

    The Prime Minister's “Israeli Innovation Summit” opened today (Thursday, 25 October) at the Tel Aviv Exhibition Grounds. The summit, which addresses the challenges of the future and the contribution of Israeli technology to a better world, is being attended by 1,000 guests, including the Vice President of China, senior executives of Google, Facebook, Alibaba and hundreds of entrepreneurs. 
    Israel’s 9th president, the late Shimon Peres was recreated in hologram form by two Israeli companies, for the occasion, and opened the conference by reading part of his will to the audience: 
    “My vision for the Israeli Innovation Center, established here within the Peres Center for Peace and Innovation, is to serve as a window to the future. A place for dreams. A place that expresses the desire to leave the next generation with a better and brighter future. 
    The future is made of the dreams of today – we must continue to work on developing the vision of tomorrow, not simply on remembering the past. We have the power to create change and the opportunity to have an impact. A revolution against convention is necessary. It requires daring, dissatisfaction, and healthy and vibrant chutzpah. 
    We must caution ourselves: technology without values will endanger humanity, while values without technology will bring about hunger and stagnation. 
    The Israeli Innovation Center will tell the extraordinary and inspiring story of the State of Israel as the 'innovation nation'. A home of optimism and hope. A place for cooperation and coexistence between all sectors of Israeli society, and a link between Israel and the world. 
    The purpose of this place is to spread ideas near and far - to bring peace and prosperity closer, to make a positive change both in spirit and in reality - for us and for our neighbors, and for humanity as a whole.”
    Vice President of China, Wang Qishan: "Innovation is a great source of strength and power for countries and nations, and it represents a future of prosperity and progress… innovation is not just technology.” 
    Chemi Peres, Chairman of the Peres Center for Peace and Innovation: 
    “Shimon Peres’ vision was for the Peres Centre for Peace and Innovation to be a window into tomorrow…The future belongs to those who dream. Those who dare to dream, to move forward, and lead us into a new era… This is an age in which the strongest nations choose to rely on their minds and not their might… My father always said that innovation should be used to make a better world and we must continue harnessing its power for peace and better future for the region… The innovation center that we are inaugurating today proudly presents Israel’s greatest achievements, showcasing the effects of our innovation around the world” 
    Jack Ma, founder of Chinese internet giant Alibaba: 
    “I get so excited when we talk about innovation… I am very very honoured to be invited here today. This innovation centre is a gift for the 70th anniversary of Israel. After four days in Israel we learned two things: Innovation and chutzpa; the courage to challenge. In Israel innovation is everywhere. It is so natural… In Israel, if you have a brain and heart, you can make anything possible… Israel is the country that knows that the most precious resource in the world is not oil, not gas, but the human brain. You make the human brain great… Just like Israel, small is beautiful, small is powerful. Today is difficult, tomorrow is difficult, the day after tomorrow is beautiful.” 
    Among the senior attendees are the founder of Chinese Internet giant Alibaba, Jack Ma; former Google CEO and founder of Endeavors venture capital fund, Eric Schmidt; the entrepreneur and former British Minister for Internet Safety and Security, Baroness Joanna Shields; the senior Vice President at Facebook, David Marcus; the researcher, Dr. David Agus; the venture capitalist and investor, Yuri Milner and others. 
    The Prime Minister's ‘Israeli Innovation Summit’, was initiated by the Ministry of Culture and Sport and in cooperation with the Peres Center for Peace and Innovation. 
    Dozens of delegations from around the world are in attendance, including from the USA, China, Italy, France, Australia, the UK, South Korea, Mexico, Switzerland, Uganda, Singapore, Italy, Russia, Peru, and Germany. The delegations are debating the innovations required to build a better world, focusing on Israel’s unique contribution and looking forward to future developments. 
    The summit is presenting pioneering “blue and white” technological innovations and Israel’s contribution to dealing with the challenges of the future, in health, nutrition, agriculture, cyber and sustainability.
    Debates and discussions between the international attendees are being held in order to discuss solutions for the great challenges facing humanity, and how Israeli technology, research and knowledge can help develop solutions to tackle them. 
    The summit, hosted for the first time by the Prime Minister of Israel to mark “70 Years of Israeli Tradition and Innovation, featured local entrepreneurs and senior executives, including: Gil Shwed, Amnon Shashua, Dr. Aya Soffer, Ofra Strauss, Marius Nacht, Kira Radinsky, and more. 
    Miri Regev, Minister of Sport and Culture noted, “I am proud and happy to announce that within the framework of Israel’s 70th anniversary, we will host the first Prime Minister’s Israeli Innovation Summit. Israel is a global innovation super-power, especially in the fields of cyber, agriculture, security and medicine. This summit will take place under the auspices of the Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and will not only present Israel’s achievements, but will focus on the future and global challenges that stand before us all, near and far.” 
    Minister Regev added that “we are proud to support Israeli ingenuity and hope to witness in the near future even more creative solutions that will provide answers to the enormous challenges on the way”. 
    “The summit will tackle the challenges facing humanity that demand innovative solutions in areas Israel has proven its added value and contribution to the quality of life for the citizens of the world. I believe that discussions are already taking place and the talks between the participants will lead to ground breaking thinking and ideas for “Tikkun Olam” in the area of sustainability, while emphasizing Israel’s contribution in the past, present and future as an innovative nation that makes the world a better place”, said Minister Regev. 
    The summit is part of the 70 year anniversary celebrations of the state of Israel, taking place under the title of “Tradition and Innovation”, and is amongst the flagship events led by Minister Miri Regev as the Head of the Committee of Ceremonies and Symbols, in charge of the anniversary events on behalf of the government of Israel.