AHLC meets in New York 27 September 2018

AHLC meets in New York

    Israel presented to the donor countries a number of projects that will prevent further deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Gaza. Israel supports aid activities despite the Hamas regime's unceasing hostile actions against Israel.
    ​(Communicated by MFA Spokesperson's Bureau)

    The Ad Hoc Liaison Committee (AHLC) met on 27 September in New York. Delegations from the member donor countries participated in the meeting, headed by Norway and the EU, the forum's joint Chairs.

    The Israeli delegation, headed by Minister of Regional Cooperation Tzachi Hanegbi, included Yael Ravia-Zadok, the Foreign Ministry's Dep. DG for Economic Affairs; Dr. Yossi Dreznin, Dir-Gen of the Ministry for Regional Cooperation; Maj-Gen Abu Rukun, head of COGAT (Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories); Shaul Cohen, Advisor to the Dir-Gen of the Ministry of Finance; and others.

    Hanegbi and the Israeli delegation members held a series of meetings with AHLC Commissioner Hahn, Norway's Minister of Foreign Affairs, and delegates of various states. At the meetings, Israel stressed its commitment to the activities of the forum, which promotes economic development in the Palestinian Authority areas of Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) and the Gaza Strip. The discussions focused on immediate steps to be taken to improve the basic living conditions in the Gaza Strip, and on assessing the financial situation of the PA. Israel presented to the donor countries a number of projects that, with international funding, will prevent further deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Gaza.

    Israel reiterated its willingness to help in these matters. Israel supports aid activities despite the Hamas regime's unceasing hostile actions against Israel.

    Israel will continue the dialogue between the two finance ministries on financial issues relating to the PA, out of a sincere desire to stabilize the PA economy, including the banking system.

    Israel emphasized the need for international involvement in pressuring Hamas, which continues to hold Israeli civilians and soldiers. In this context, Israel arranged meetings between the family of fallen soldier Hadar Goldin and several delegations, on the sidelines of the conference.