Statement on designation of individuals and entities from the Assad regime involved in the Syrian chemical weapons program

Statement on designation of individuals and entities involved in the Syrian chemical weapons program

    Israel supports the designation of individuals and entities from the Assad regime involved in the Syrian chemical weapons program.
    ​​(Communicated by the MFA Spokesperson)

    This is an important step in the international effort to deter and punish those involved in the use of chemical weapons in Syria, and it is part and parcel of the comprehensive effort to rehabilitate the universal norm prohibiting the use of chemical weapons. This is a norm which unfortunately has been violated time and again in recent years, mainly by the Assad regime and its military, as mentioned in the JIM reports, but also by non-state actors.

    Israel officially defines Syria as an “enemy state,’’ and therefore implements rigid and wide-ranging legislation on every aspect with regard to Syria beyond the suggested sanctions regime. In light of this, Israel agrees with U.S led sanctions against those responsible for the use of chemical weapons, as part of the international effort to eradicate the use of such weapons in Syria and the rehabilitation of the universal norm prohibiting any such use. ​