President Rivlin sends condolences to President Trump following Las Vegas shooting 2 October 2017

President Rivlin sends condolences to President Trump following Las Vegas shooting

    President Rivlin: We stand with you as you mourn the terrible loss of life and injury following this senseless attack on people who had merely gathered together to listen to music.
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    President Reuven Rivlin (archive) President Reuven Rivlin (archive) Copyright: GPO/Mark Neiman
    ​(Communicated by the President's Spokesperson)

    President Reuven Rivlin this afternoon (Monday, 2 October 2017), sent a letter to President of the United States Donald J. Trump, expressing his deepest condolences, and those of all the Israeli people, following the horrific shooting at the Las Vegas country music festival.
    President Rivlin wrote, "The people of Israel join me in sending our deepest sympathy to you, to the participants in the festival, the people of Las Vegas and to all the people of the United States following this shocking attack which took the lives of so many innocent people and injured so very many more."
    He stressed, "We stand with you as you mourn the terrible loss of life and injury following this senseless attack on people who had merely gathered together to listen to music."
    President Rivlin asked that the President "convey our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families and send our best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery to the many injured."