President Rivlin meets with Japanese FM Taro Kono 25 December 2017

President Rivlin meets with Japanese FM Tarō Kōno

    The President spoke of the importance of building confidence as the only way of finding a solution to the conflict with the Palestinians, and urged FM Tarō Kōno to convey to the Palestinians the importance of direct negotiations with Israel.
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    President Rivlin with Japanese FM Tarō Kōno President Rivlin with Japanese FM Tarō Kōno Copyright: GPO/Mark Neiman
    ​(Communicated by the President’s Spokesperson)

    President Rivlin today held a working meeting at his residence in Jerusalem with the Foreign Minister of Japan, Tarō Kōno, who was visiting Israel.
    The President welcomed the Foreign Minister on his first official visit in his current role. He praised the importance of the strong relationship between the two countries. The President spoke of the importance of building confidence as the only way to find a solution to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. He said to the Foreign Minister, “I know the good relationship between your people, and the influence you have with the Palestinians. They have to understand that we are here, that the Jewish people has returned to our homeland and there is no other homeland for the Jewish people but the State of Israel, and the Land of Israel.” He urged the Japanese Foreign Minister to convey to the Palestinians the importance of direct negotiations with Israel.
    The President asked to send his best wishes to the Emperor of Japan, and expressed his hope the Emperor would be able to visit Israel in the short time before he was due to retire from his duties in 2019.
    He concluded, “For us, Tokyo is absolutely the only capital of Japan, and Jerusalem is the capital of State of Israel”.
    The Foreign Minister thanked the President and spoke of the increase in trade and investment between the two countries in recent years, and said, “Investment has probably increased twenty-fold in the last three years, so the bilateral relationship is rapidly expanding.” He noted that he hoped a member of the Imperial House would be able to visit the region soon, and added his hope that the President would be able to visit Tokyo.
    Noting the significant increase in the cooperation and delegations between the two countries, he said, “We hope to have a direct flight connection sometime soon. The legal framework is there, and we are hoping that the airlines will view favorably having a direct connection.”
    The Foreign Minister concluded, “Japan regards Israel as a country full of talent, not just a state about technology, but humanity, art, and science, and I hope to increase the exchange of people between your two countries”. He spoke of Japan’s willingness to play a part in developing agricultural and environmental cooperation between the different peoples of the region, and thanked the President for his support in this field.