President Rivlin meets with Israeli ambassadors to Egypt and Jordan 12 January 2017

President Rivlin meets with Israeli ambassadors to Egypt and Jordan

    President Rivlin spoke with the diplomats about the strengthening ties and growing cooperation between Israel and its neighbors in the Middle East and Mediterranean.
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    President Rivlin with Israeli ambassadors Shlein (right) and Govrin President Rivlin with Israeli ambassadors Shlein (right) and Govrin Copyright: GPO/Mark Neiman
    ​(Communicated by the President’s Spokesperson)
    President Reuven Rivlin met this morning (Thursday, 12 January 2017) at his residence with Israel’s Ambassador to Jordan H.E. Eynat Shlein, and Israel’s Ambassador to Egypt, H.E. David Govrin.
    President Rivlin spoke with the diplomats about the strengthening ties and growing cooperation between Israel and its neighbors in the Middle East and Mediterranean. The Ambassadors updated the President regarding ongoing initiatives, and told him of their work and experiences.
    “Thank you for all you are doing to represent Israel, and help us strengthen ties and friendships that would have seemed impossible years ago. Our relationships with Jordan and Egypt especially constitute a crucial strategic alliance for all,” said the President. He went on to stress that the shared challenges and threats faced by many in the Middle East required close cooperation, and added that “these challenges also provide us the opportunities to show that we can live together in this region, in peace and prosperity.”