President Rivlin meets the Foreign Minister of Costa Rica Manuel Gonzalez 17 May 2017

President Rivlin meets the Foreign Minister of Costa Rica Manuel González

    The two men spoke of the importance of the tourism industry, and of the ability to develop the industry in a range of areas including medical tourism, and conferences and conventions.
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    President Rivlin with the Foreign Minister of Costa Rica, Manuel González President Rivlin with the Foreign Minister of Costa Rica, Manuel González Copyright: GPO/Mark Neiman
    ​(Communicated by the President’s Spokesperson)

    President Rivlin this afternoon (welcomed the Foreign Minister of Costa Rica, Manuel González. The President said to him, “Costa Rica was the first, and among the few countries that placed their embassy in Jerusalem, and we will never forget it. Your position as Foreign Minister is one of influence, and we appreciate it very much.”
    The Foreign Minister thanked the President and spoke of the “Long standing and firm friendship between our countries,” and added, “I bring the greetings of President Solís.”
    He told the President, “I have met several people including members of the business community. I have told them that the road is paved from the official level, and they must now take advantage of this, and work to increase trade. Today, being far apart geographically is no excuse.”
    The two men spoke of the importance of the tourism industry, and of the ability to develop the industry in a range of areas including medical tourism, and conferences and conventions.