President Rivlin meets President of the French Senate Larcher 3 January 2016

President Rivlin meets President of the French Senate Gérard Larcher

    The solution to the conflict requires two things; to build trust between the sides, and direct negotiations between the two sides. Without trust, no solution will work. Without negotiations, no solution can be reached.
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    President Rivlin with President of the French Senate Gérard Larcher President Rivlin with President of the French Senate Gérard Larcher Copyright: GPO/Mark Neiman
    ​ (Communicated by the President’s Spokesperson)
    President Reuven Rivlin met this morning (Tuesday, 3 January 2017) at his residence in Jerusalem with President of the French Senate Gérard Larcher, who was visiting Israel.
    President Rivlin welcomed Mr. Larcher and spoke with him of the challenges faced by Israel and Europe, and democracies around the world. In reference to the proposed French summit on the Israel-Palestinian conflict, President Rivlin said, “We appreciate France’s concern, and attempts to bring an end to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. Yet, it must be very clear, there are no shortcuts in the Middle East. The solution to the conflict requires two things; to build trust between the sides, and direct negotiations between the two sides,” and added, “Without trust, no solution will work. Without negotiations, no solution can be reached”.
    President Rivlin spoke in relation to UNSC Resolution 2334, and noted “The current debate in the international arena - and the UNSC decision especially - are not helping us build trust. This is pushing us further away from peace.”
    Mr. Larcher thanked the President and said, “Thank you Mr. President for your important analysis of the current challenges. I remember well your most successful visit as Speaker of the Knesset, and am pleased to visit here after 12 years during which there has not been a visit of a President of the French Senate.”
    He continued, “I have come with a message of friendship. Even when there are disagreements we must continue to speak. You have described the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians as a tragedy, a tragedy which can be ended through speaking. It is important that between friends we can speak openly. We understand how important direct negotiations are for Israel and it is the role of the international community to create the conditions to advance these direct negotiations.”