President Rivlin meets President Ernest Bai Koroma of Sierra Leone 12 January 2017

President Rivlin meets President Ernest Bai Koroma of Sierra Leone

    President Rivlin: Israeli companies have much they can contribute to Sierra Leone especially in the fields of water, communications, renewable energy, security, and more. This is important for the long term security and well-being for our peoples.
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    President Rivlin with President Ernest Bai Koroma of Sierra Leone President Rivlin with President Ernest Bai Koroma of Sierra Leone Copyright: GPO/Mark Neiman
    ​(Communicated by the President’s Spokesperson)
    President Reuven met this morning (Thursday, 12 January 2017) at his residence with President Ernest Bai Koroma of Sierra Leone.
    President Rivlin welcomed the President on his arrival and spoke of the good relations between the two countries. He said, “Israel has so much to offer in helping in development and technology. Just one example is the many citizens of Sierra Leone who have taken part in the MASHAV program of the foreign ministry.”
    President Rivlin concluded, “Israeli companies have much they can contribute to Sierra Leone especially in the fields of water, communications, renewable energy, security, and more. This is important for the long term security and well-being for our peoples.”
    President Ernest Bai Koroma thanked the President for his warm words, and spoke of his gratitude for the assistance Israel provided to his country in fighting the Ebola outbreak. He said, “I must use this opportunity to thank you, the Government and the people of Israel, for the support that was provided to us during one of the most difficult moments in our history - the fight against Ebola. It was a moment others chose to turn their backs and isolate us, but Israel provided us with support, with financial, technical support, and we had people that volunteered to go out and assist us." He added, "That we have put the Ebola behind us is because of the support of this nation. Support that will always be remembered by Sierra Leoneans.”
    The two went on to discuss a range of issues, including ways to strengthen the bilateral ties between the two countries.