President Rivlin departs on State Visit to Spain 5 November 2017

President Rivlin departs on State Visit to Spain

    President Rivlin: Israel and Spain are bound by a shared past. We must realize the unique potential inherent in our relationship; a relationship based on shared values and vision, along with ability and strength.
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    President Reuven Rivlin (archive) President Reuven Rivlin (archive) Copyright: GPO/Mark Neiman
    ​(Communicated by the President’s Spokesperson)

    President Reuven and First Lady Nechama Rivlin will depart today (Sunday, 5 November 2017) for a State Visit to Spain at the invitation of King Felipe VI. During the visit, which will mark 30 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries, the President will also mark 100 years since the reestablishment of the Jewish community in Spain after the Expulsion of 1492.
    Before departing, the President said, “This is an historic and important visit to a country which is a true friend, and which represents the deep friendship between our peoples. Israel and Spain are bound by a shared past. Three decades ago, our prime ministers, Felipe Gonzalez and the late Shimon Peres, laid the foundations for the future and established diplomatic relations between the two countries. This relationship will receive a special endorsement in this upcoming visit. We must realize the unique potential inherent in our relationship; a relationship based on shared values and vision, along with ability and strength.
    The President will be accompanied on his visit by a delegation of senior Israeli business figures headed by the Israeli Manufacturers’ Association and its president Shraga Brosh. With the aim of deepening the bilateral trade cooperation between the two countries, during the visit the President will oversee the signing of a number of cooperation agreements.
    On Monday, the President and First Lady will be hosted by King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia of Spain at a state welcoming ceremony at the Royal Palace, which will include the playing of both national anthems and an honor guard. Later in the day, President and First Lady Rivlin will join the King and Queen for a private lunch at the royal residence, while in the evening they will be welcomed at a State Dinner in honor of their visit.
    The following day, Tuesday, the President will open an economic seminar, before going on to hold a working meeting with Prime Minister of Spain, Mariano Rajoy. At the end of the meeting, the two will oversee the signing of cooperation agreements between the two countries. Later the President will address a special plenary of both the Senate and Congress of the Spanish Parliament, after which the President will be awarded the medals of both houses. In the evening, as is customary of state visits to Spain, the President and First Lady will host a reception in honor of King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia of Spain, with the attendance of Jewish community leaders, members of the Israeli business delegation, and other senior figures.
    On Wednesday, the President will tour the city of Toledo, before returning to Israel.