PM Netanyahu visits National Cyber Defense Authority

PM Netanyahu visits National Cyber Defense Authority

    PM Netanyah toured the National Cyber Defense Authority (NCDA) facility in Be'er Sheva, at which operates the national cyber event response center, which already dealt with hundreds of cyber events and attacks.
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    PM Netanyahu visits National Cyber Defense Authority PM Netanyahu visits National Cyber Defense Authority Copyright: Kobi Gideon, GPO
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, accompanied by Knesset Cyberdefense Subcommittee Chairperson MK Anat Berko, this morning (Thursday, 27 July 2017), toured the National Cyber Defense Authority (NCDA) facility in Be'er Sheva, at which operates the national cyber event response center. 

    The tour was hosted by Israel National Cyber Bureau (INCB) head Dr. Eviatar Matania and National Cyber Defense Authority head Buki Carmeli.
    Prime Minister Netanyahu was briefed on the center's progress since it began operational activity and on the hundreds of cyber events it has dealt with including dozens of national-level cyber-attacks that were blocked in the past year. He was also briefed on the activity of the NCDA as a whole in completing cyber defense in the civilian sphere.
    Prime Minister Netanyahu observed a simulated event involving significant events affecting the economy, the NCDA's efforts to protect the civilian economy from attacks similar to those that have occurred around the world in recent months, and how the NCDA deals with hacks to organizations if and when they occur. The Prime Minister observed – inter alia – the center's cyber control and investigation systems.
    Prime Minister Netanyahu: 
    "The cyber threat is one of the biggest threats against both developing countries and our country. There are very many elements in the world that can disrupt our lives, steal bank accounts, obstruct our energy supply and cause accidents and sabotage in field after field. The threat here is very great.
    We, therefore, established the INCB. I am here in the NCDA control room in Be'er Sheva, one of the most developed in the world, in order to provide defense. This is developing quickly, with excellent people. There is much work to be done but Israel is showing the way to the world."
    The national cyber event response center was established in Be'er Sheva following staff work by the INCB and began operations in September 2016, upon the establishment of the NCDA.