PM Netanyahu to leave on historic visit to Latin America 10 September 2017

PM Netanyahu to leave on historic visit to Latin America

    PM Netanyahu will begin his trip in Buenos Aires where he will meet with President Macri. The two countries will sign a series of agreements on public security, customs and social insurance as well as an archives agreement regarding the Holocaust.
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    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (archive) Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (archive) Copyright: GPO/Kobi Gideon
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will, on Sunday evening (10 September 2017), leave on a working visit to the following Latin American countries: Argentina, Colombia and Mexico (respectively). This will be the first visit by a sitting Israeli Prime Minister to Latin America. The Prime Minister will then continue on to the UN General Assembly in New York to deliver an address, on Tuesday (19 September), and hold diplomatic meetings with world leaders.
    Paraguayan President Horacio Cartes will travel to Buenos Aires to meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu.
    Prime Minister Netanyahu will be accompanied by a delegation of Israeli businesspeople from the fields of agriculture, water, communications and energy. Members of the delegation will hold commercial meetings with their local counterparts; economic events will also be held in Argentina and Mexico, led by Prime Minister Netanyahu and the Argentine and Mexican heads of state.
    Prime Minister Netanyahu will begin his trip in Buenos Aires where he will meet with President Mauricio Macri. The two countries will sign a series of agreements on public security, customs and social insurance as well as an archives agreement regarding the Holocaust.
    In Buenos Aires Prime Minister Netanyahu will attend ceremonies in Embassy Square, site of the 1992 terrorist bombing, along with family members of the Israeli diplomats who were killed in the attack. He will also visit the Jewish community building (AMIA), site of the 1994 terrorist attack, along with family members of those who were killed in the attack and survivors.
    From Argentina Prime Minister Netanyahu will fly to Bogota where he will meet with Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos. The two countries will sign joint agreements: An MOU in science and a tourism cooperation agreement.
    From Colombia, Prime Minister Netanyahu will fly to Mexico City where he will meet with Mexican President Enrique Peńa Nieto. The two countries will sign agreements: An MOU on space, an aviation agreement, a communications agreement and a MASHAV cooperation agreement.
    Prime Minister Netanyahu will attend events with local Jewish communities in Argentina, Colombia and Mexico and meet with community leaders.
    Following his visit to Latin America, Prime Minister Netanyahu will fly to New York to attend the UN General Assembly where he will deliver an address on its opening day. He is also due to meet with various world leaders.