PM Netanyahu sends Ramadan greetings 8 June 2017

PM Netanyahu’s Ramadan greetings

    In the free society that is Israel, all citizens enjoy full individual rights, regardless of race, creed or gender. I hope that one day all our neighbors will emulate this respect for human life and diversity.
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    PM Netanyahu sends Ramadan greetings PM Netanyahu sends Ramadan greetings Copyright: PMO Webcast
    ​(Communicated by the Prime Minister’s Media Advisor)

    Israel has over one million Muslim citizens. They play a vital role in our society. They are judges, lawmakers, professors, prominent doctors, business people, much more.

    Ready for a real surprise? Right near the Knesset synagogue, there's a Muslim prayer room, inside our parliament building. Take a look. Some of Israel's parliamentarians are Muslim, so they need a place to pray and they have it.

    More and more Israeli Muslims are integrating into Israeli society. That is exactly what I want to see. I want them to become part of the Israeli success story. Israel is the Jewish State, the nation-state of the Jewish people. But Israel is also home to Muslims, Christians, Bahais- and so many others.

    In the free society that is Israel, all citizens enjoy full individual rights, regardless of race, creed or gender. We live together, we learn from one another. We do so with mutual respect and with mutual understanding.

    I hope that one day all our neighbors will emulate this respect for human life and diversity. I want to wish Ramadan kareem to Israel's Muslim citizens and to Muslims around the world.

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