PM Netanyahu met with US envoy Greenblatt 26 September 2017

PM Netanyahu met with US special envoy Jason Greenblatt

    The actions of the Palestinian leadership in recent days severely impairs the chances of achieving peace.
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met today in Jerusalem with US President Donald Trump's special envoy, Jason Greenblatt, and US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman. Israeli Ambassador to the US Ron Dermer also attended the meeting.

    The Prime Minister raised the issue of the Palestinians' refusal to condemn yesterday's terrorist attack, the Palestinian call to try Israelis before the International Criminal Court in The Hague and the Palestinian accession to Interpol – a step which violates signed agreements with Israel.
    Prime Minister Netanyahu told envoy Greenblatt and ambassadors Friedman and Dermer that the actions of the Palestinian leadership in recent days severely impairs the chances of achieving peace and added that the Palestinian diplomatic warfare would not go unanswered.