PM Netanyahu and Secretary General Guterres in innovation event at the Israel Museum

PM Netanyahu and Secretary General Guterres in innovation event at the Israel Museum

    "I think that changing the UN's approach to Israel is important not only to Israel, but also to the United Nations, and certainly to the parts that comprise it."
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    PM Netanyahu and Secretary General Guterres at Israel Museum PM Netanyahu and Secretary General Guterres at Israel Museum Copyright: Amos Ben Gershom, GPO
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Advisor)

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Secretary General Antonio Guterres participated yesterday, Monday (28 August 2017), in an innovation event at the Israel Museum in which Israeli technologies were presented. The innovative technologies are in the fields of energy, water and economics. 
    Prior to that, they visited the Tzedek V'Shalom Synagogue of Surinam, which was moved to the museum and reconstructed. The synagogue was established in the 18th century by Portuguese Jews who came to Suriname from the Netherlands.
    Prime Minister Netanyahu:
    "I think that changing the UN's approach to Israel is important not only to Israel, but also to the United Nations, and certainly to the parts that comprise it. I hope that this visit to Israel and here in this museum and in this exhibition will help promote these grand ideas.
    Our sages said, 'From Zion will emerge Torah.' Well, from Zion emerges Torah, software, progress; I hope with your help. So welcome, Mr. Secretary General.
    Secretary-General Guterres:
    "It is important to remember the enormous contribution of the Jewish people to world culture, to world science, to world philosophy, to world civilization. I think that this contribution enables you to be the world's most successful knowledge-based economy."

    Innovations presented to the Prime Minister and UN Secretary General:
    • Water-Gen is a technology that provides an inexpensive, available and renewable source of clean fresh drinking water by directly extracting it from the atmosphere. Water-Gen builds partnerships with India, the US, Brazil and Mexico, in Latin America, Australia, Vietnam, Thailand, the Philippines, the CIS, Africa, and China to maximize the use of this technology in areas where power supply does not exist, or is insufficient, by searching for alternative energy sources.
    •   Innovation: Africa is an Israeli association that works to bring solar, water and agricultural technologies from Israel to rural communities in Africa. Since its establishment in 2008, it has completed the construction of 150 solar facilities providing lighting, access to clean water, improved education, refrigerated storage of vaccines and medicines, and food security for more than a million people in the most remote villages in Africa.
    •   Aqwise is a world leader in the development and assimilation of water and wastewater treatment solutions for industrial and municipal markets. Over the past two decades, Aqwise has assisted municipalities, water services, and multinational corporations to cope with changing regulations, enable reuse of water and energy, and reduce their ecological footprint. Using Aqwise's technology, more than 300 million cubic meters of wastewater per year are purified in more than 500 facilities in 50 countries across five continents.
    •  HomeBiogas has developed and produced the most efficient, affordable and user-friendly home-based biogas systems in the market today. The biogas system produces clean cooking gas and natural liquid fertilizer for home plants from food and animal waste. To date, HomeBiogas has sold more than 1,000 systems in more than 70 countries worldwide.
    • Sight Diagnostics specializes in the use of computer vision and machine-learning technologies in the field of blood testing to make it accessible. The company has developed the world's first automatic microscope instrument for the diagnosis of malaria.