PM Netanyahu's Remarks at BGI Airport Prior to Leaving for London

PM Netanyahu's remarks at BGI airport prior to leaving for London

    During his visit to London, PM Netanyahu will attend the event marking 100 years since the Balfour Declaration, hold diplomatic and economic meetings, and meet with Jewish community leaders. ​
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    Prime Minister Netanyahu at the airport, prior to his departure for London Prime Minister Netanyahu at the airport, prior to his departure for London Copyright: GPO/Kobi Gideon
    ​(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the following remarks this evening  (Wednesday, 1 November 2017), at Ben-Gurion International Airport prior to leaving for London:
    "I look forward to my visit to London. We’re going to mark a very important centenary – 100 years for the declaration of the Balfour Declaration, which recognized the right of the Jewish people for their national home in this land. I very much appreciate this gesture by the Prime Minister of Britain and the Government of Great Britain.
    The Palestinians say that the Balfour Declaration was a tragedy. It wasn’t a tragedy. What has been tragic is their refusal to accept this 100 years later. I hope they change their mind, because if they do they can move forward finally to making peace between our two peoples.
    In my meeting with Prime Minister May, I intend to raise concrete suggestions on how to deal with the failed aspects of the Iran nuclear agreement. I look forward to those discussions. Thank you."