Holy See - Israel Joint Communique

Holy See - Israel Joint Communique

    The Bilateral Permanent Working Commission between the Holy See and the State of Israel met today. The outcomes of this Plenary give hope for a rapid conclusion of ongoing negotiations.
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    The negotiating team The negotiating team Copyright: MFA
    The Bilateral Permanent Working Commission between the Holy See and the State of Israel met today, June 13, 2017, in Vatican City, at the Plenary level, to continue negotiations pursuant to the Fundamental Agreement between the Holy See and the State of Israel of 1993.

    The meeting was headed by Msgr. Antoine CAMILLERI, Undersecretary for the Holy See's Relations with States, and by Mr. Tzachi HAN EGBI, Minister for Regional Cooperation of the State of Israel.

    The Plenary was pleased with the progress accomplished at the working level regarding the negotiations, and the cordial atmosphere in which the meetings took place. The outcomes of today’s Plenary give hope for a rapid conclusion of ongoing negotiations and the signing of the document. The Plenary further acknowledges the collaborative efforts of both sides for the implementation of the 1997 Bilateral Legal Personality Agreement.

    The delegation of the Holy See:
    Msgr. Antoine CAMILLERI, Undersecretary for Relations with the States of the Holy See, Head of Delegation
    H.E. Arch. Giuseppe LAZZAROTTO, Apostolic Nuncio in Israel
    H.E. Arch. Antonio FRANCO, Apostolic Nuncio
    Fr. Oscar MARZO OFM, Office of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches of the Holy See
    Msgr. Ionut Paul STREJAC, Desk officer, Secretary of State of the Holy See
    Mr. Henry AMOROSO, Principal Legal Adviser
    Fr. Jacek JASZTAL O.F.M., Vicar of the Custody of the Holy Land
    Fr. Ibrahim FALTAS O.F.M., Custody of the Holy Land
    Sr. Kathy ZIMMERMANN F.S.E., Secretary of the Delegation

    The delegation of the State of Israel:
    Mr. Tzachi Hanegbi, Minister for Regional Cooperation
    H.E. Oren David, Ambassador of Israel to the Holy See
    Mrs. Emi Palmor, Director General (MOJ)
    Mr. Ehud Keinan, External Advisor, Co-Chairman of the Working Level of the Bilateral Permanent Working Commission
    Mr. Akiva Tor, Head of World Jewish and World Religions Affairs Bureau (MFA)
    Dr. Joseph Draznin, Advisor for the Minister for Regional Cooperation
    Mrs. Sharon Regev, Director of the World Religions Affairs Department (MFA)
    Mrs. Tamar Kaplan, Principal Deputy Legal Advisor and Director of the Diplomatic and Civil Law Department (MFA)
    Mr. Itai Apter, Director, International Civil Affairs, Office of the Deputy Attorney General (International Law) (MOJ)
    Mr. Reuven Eidelman, Diplomatic and Civil Law Department (MOJ)
    Mr. Moshe Golan, External Advisor
    Mr. Amir Haran, Senior Advisor to the Director General (MOJ)
    Mrs. Dorit Shimon, Advisor for the Minister for Regional Cooperation