DFM Hotovely’s statement regarding the UNESCO Hebron decision 7 July 2017

DFM Hotovely’s statement regarding the UNESCO Hebron decision

    DFM Hotovely: The decision is a badge of shame for UNESCO, which time after time chooses to stand on the side of lies. Israel will not surrender to historic distortion and will continue the fight against the bias of UN institutions regarding Israel.
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    Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely Copyright: MFA
    ​(Communicated by the Deputy Foreign Minister's Media Advisor)

    Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely in response to the UNESCO World Heritage Committee decision registering the Cave of the Patriarchs as a Palestinian Heritage site in danger: "This is a badge of shame for UNESCO which time after time chooses to stand on the side of lies".
    The Deputy Minister added that "In spite of the efforts of senior diplomats in the Foreign Ministry who have tried in the past weeks to thwart the decision that denies history, and despite the achievement of the secret vote, the automatic Arab majority succeeded in passing the proposed resolution that attempts to appropriate the national symbols of the Jewish people. In another thousand years, the Cave of the Patriarchs will remain under Jewish sovereignty and UNESCO will cease to exist as a heritage organization".
    Deputy Minister Hotovely further added "The same automatic majority would also have passed a resolution that the sun rises in the west and not in the east. Israel will not surrender to historic distortion and will continue the fight against the bias of UN institutions regarding Israel."

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