• 2016


  • 2016

    • We are intensifying our contacts and our cooperation in so many fields - in the fields of science and technology and cyber and defense and agriculture and health - everything. And we want t ...
    • The international launch will take place on January 21 at the Vitoriano Museum in Rome, and will continue to prestigious locations around the globe including France, Poland, Russia, South K ...
    • Israel's policy is exactly as it has been – not to allow Iran to obtain nuclear weapons. Iran will now have more resources to divert to terrorism and its aggression in the region and around ...
    • Even after the signing of the nuclear agreement, Iran has not relinquished its aspiration to obtain nuclear weapons and it will continue to undermine stability in the Middle East and spread ...
    • When you look at our relations with individual nations, that is changing dramatically. Why is this happening? For two big reasons. The first is the rise of militant Islam. And the accompany ...