• 2016


  • 2016

    • The only way to defeat these terrorists is to join together and fight them together. That's how we'll defeat terrorism – with political unity and with moral clarity. I think we have that in ...
    • "The chain of attacks from Paris to San Bernardino to Istanbul to the Ivory Coast and now to Brussels, and the daily attacks in Israel - this is one continuous assault on all of us."
    • The dialogue precedes the upcoming visit of Czech Foreign Minister Lubomír Zaorálek to Israel on April 4th. During his visit, the minister will open the third Israel-Czech Forum at the Isra ...
    • DG Gold thanked his counterpart for the assistance extended by the Turkish authorities. Both noted that there is no justification for any use of violence as a tool to advance a political ag ...
    • The key to the moral fight against terrorism is to make it clear that terrorism, the murder of innocents, has no justification anywhere – not in Istanbul or the Ivory Coast or Jerusalem. Wh ...