• 2016


  • 2016

    • President Rivlin: The current chaos, the crisis in Syria is a problem for all of Europe. The entire world is fighting fundamentalism, based on IS, which has become a phenomena across the globe.
    • President Rivlin: I want to thank you for your country's strong position against extremism. The Islamic State thugs are carrying out acts of terror across the world, and the whole free worl ...
    • The key to our economic future depends on growth. We will achieve this growth by opening export markets and by extracting the gas from the sea. This will give us many years of growth and wi ...
    • The report reflects the good situation of Israel’s labor market, with low unemployment and increasing wages. The positive economic situation allows policy makers to concentrate on long term ...
    • Over 450 diplomats and foreign journalists are expected to participate in the event, the first of its kind held in Israel.