World leaders send condolences to the people of Israel following the passing of Shimon Peres 28 September 2016
  • 2016

World leaders send condolences to the people of Israel following the passing of Shimon Peres

    Ditmir Bushati, Foreign Minister of Albania:
    President #Peres was an irreplaceable champion of peace & human dignity. #Albanians will remain grateful for his support. RIP @PeresCenter

    Sebastian Kurz, Foreign Minister of Austria:
    Shimon #Peres' death is a big loss f #Israel & the whole world. He always strived for peace & has thereby shaped #Israel's role in the world.
    Very moving first meeting with @PresidentPeres in 2014 where I gave him a 1923 Schlesinger Hagada as a gift.

    Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada:
    Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada on the death of Shimon Peres:
    Ottawa, Ontario
    27 September 2016
    The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, issued the following statement on the death of His Excellency, Shimon Peres, the former President and Prime Minister of Israel:
    “It is with great sadness that I learned tonight of the death of former Israeli President and Prime Minister Shimon Peres.
    “Shimon Peres was, above all, a man of peace and a man dedicated to the well-being of the Jewish people.
    “Over the course of his long and distinguished life, Mr. Peres made enormous contributions to the founding and building of the State of Israel. He was devoted to promoting understanding between his country and its neighbours, and shared a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to create peace in the Middle East.
    “Mr. Peres was an internationally-respected statesman and a great friend to Canada. He visited our country often, and helped build relations that remain strong to this day.
    “On behalf of all Canadians, Sophie and I offer our deepest condolences to the family and friends of Mr. Peres – and to the people of Israel. His legacy as a tireless advocate for peace will not be forgotten.”

    Stéphane Dion, Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs:
    Deeply saddened by passing of Shimon Peres: statesman and peacemaker. #Canada mourns with #Israel

    Cyprus Press and Information Office:
    President Anastasiades sent a letter of condolence to the President of Israel for the passing of Shimon Peres
    The President of the Republic, Mr Nicos Anastasiades, sent today 28 September 2016 a letter of condolence to the President of the State of Israel, Mr Reuven Rivlin, on the passing of Shimon Peres.
    In his letter the President stated:
    “It is with profound sorrow that I heard the news of the passing of Shimon Peres, former Prime Minister and the 9th President of the State of Israel.
    On this sad day, not only for Israel but also for humanity, I join my voice in expressing the deepest condolences of the Government and the people of the Republic of Cyprus to the people and the Government of the State of Israel, and my most sincere and heartfelt condolences to the family of Shimon Peres, a great and genuine statesman, a beacon unto nations.
    President Peres’ leadership and visionary approach to politics has indelibly marked the pages of history as an emblematic figure of peace building. A tireless worker for the security of the State of Israel but also an indefatigable servant of peace. A promoter of tolerance, and of bridging divisions. His commitment towards a comprehensive peace in the Middle East has set a historic standard for the leaders of the region and of the world.
    We will also remember Shimon Peres as a genuine friend of our country and for his profound contribution to the enhancement of the relations between Cyprus and Israel.
    His passing leaves us with a sad void, but his formidable legacy of hope shall stay on to guide us towards peace and mutual coexistence in our region and worldwide.
    May he rest in peace, as we make it our duty to keep his memory alive.”

    European Council
    Donald Tusk, President of the European Council:
    Israel has lost a brave leader and Europe a dear friend. My deepest condolences to the family of Shimon Peres and the people of Israel

    Toomas Hendrik Ilves, President of the Republic of Estonia

    Your Excellency [President Reuven Rivlin],
    I am deeply saddened by the news of the death of Ms. Shimon Peres, the former President of the State of Israel. He was an iconic world leafer, as well as a true statesman of great conscience and conviction – as one of the founding fathers of Israel he was vigorously advancing the wellbeing of this people and the peace in the region.

    The people of Estonia have especially warm memories of President Peres from 2007 when he attended the opening ceremony of the new synagogue in Tallinn, Estonia.

    On behalf of the Estonian people and myself, I would like to express out sincere condolences to you and the people of Israel. Our sympathies are with you at this time of sorrow.

    Toomas Hendrik Ilves
    President of the Republic of Estonia
    François Hollande, President of the French Republic:
    Death of Shimon Peres - Statement by M. François Hollande, President of the Republic
    (Paris, 28/09/2016)
    With the passing of Shimon Peres, Israel loses one of its most illustrious statesmen, peace one of its most ardent defenders and France a loyal friend.
    Shimon Peres is now part of the history which accompanied his long life.
    He had a profound impact on the political life of Israel, in whose foundation he was actively involved alongside David Ben-Gurion.  A member of many governments, several times Prime Minister and finally President from 2007 to 2014, Shimon Peres was Israel in the eyes of the world.
    A man of peace, he received the Nobel Prize in 1994 alongside Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat just after the Oslo Accords, whose rationale he continually upheld, seeing the advent of a Palestinian state as the only guarantee of Israel having a future in a climate of security.
    A visionary, he impressed those he met with his ability to propose bold initiatives and new ideas in order to move towards this ideal.  He believed in sharing resources and technology and opening up communication routes to bring people closer together.  I saw for myself during our last meeting on 25 March that his strength of conviction was undiminished.
    On this sad day I extend my heartfelt sympathy to the Israeli people and my condolences to his family.

    Jean-Marc Ayrault, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Development:
    Death of Shimon Peres - Statement by M. Jean-Marc Ayrault, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Development
    (Paris, 28/09/2016)
    I was greatly saddened to learn of the passing of Shimon Peres. I extend my condolences to his family, his close friends and the whole Israeli people.
    Shimon Peres was one of the last representatives of Israel's founding fathers. Throughout his political career, in which he held the most senior positions, he managed to embody an ideal: that of a State of Israel living in peace with its neighbours. The Nobel Prize he received in 1994 crowned the untiring efforts this statesman made - despite the difficulties - always to reaffirm the need for his country to give peace a chance.
    Shimon Peres left his mark on history. His legacy is this culture of peace, this vision he upheld with unshakeable passion, which - today more than ever - remains an essential ideal for Israel and the whole region. May his example inspire those, in Israel and elsewhere, who have chosen to follow the path he marked out.

    German Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel:

    Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel acknowledged the late former Israeli President Shimon Peres as a "great statesman". "We mourn this great loss together with the people of Israel and the family of Shimon Peres." She recalled with gratitude the many meetings and talks she had with the Nobel Peace Prize winner.

    In a letter of condolence to the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Chancellor expressed her "heartfelt sympathy, also on behalf of the German people, for the family and friends of Shimon Peres as well as for the people of Israel". In all the positions he held, the late Shimon Peres did "everything in his power for the security, the freedom and development of the nation of Israel", wrote Merkel.

    "His vision for sustainable peace in the Near East was an important contribution to the Oslo Peace Accord, for which Shimon Peres, Yitzak Rabin and Jassir Arafat were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994", the Chancellor continued. To this day, he was denied the chance to experience the realisation of his dream. "Our continuing work towards this dream – that is his legacy and our obligation."

    German Federal Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier:

    Federal Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier also acknowledged the achievements of the late former Israeli President. Israel has "lost one of its founding fathers and Germany has lost a highly esteemed friend and partner", said Steinmeier.

    "His achievements for Israel, the nation of survivors, which he helped to establish and shape through his words and deeds over long decades, are almost immeasurable." According to the Federal Foreign Minister, Peres "worked with great determination for the unique friendship between Israel and Germany, connecting past and present".

    German Federal President Gauck condolences on the death of Shimon Peres

    “On the death of the former President of Israel, Shimon Peres, I want to offer to you and to the Israeli people my deepest sympathy.

    Shimon Peres has coined Israel like hardly another politician. He served his country in different functions - he had deep principles, if it was about the security of Israel, and a strong will if it was to push forward the peace process with the Palestinians. With the Nobel Price for peace, his tireless commitment for peace has earned highest acclaim. His Presidency was the crowing completion of his political work in the service of the State of Israel.

    We Germans will especially remember his willingness for reconciliation. Despite the outrages the Germans had done to his family and his people during the Holocaust, Shimon Peres has reached out his hand to us. For this stance we are thankful in our hearts. We will never forget his speech in Bundestag in 2010 were he emphasized the uniqueness of the friendship between Germany and Israel.

    I enjoy remembering the warm reception Shimon Peres gave me during my states visit to Israel in 2012. Back then, we have talked about the meaning of encounters between young people, both for the German-Israeli relations and for the process for peace in the Middle East Conflict. This exchange was close to his heart. His life in the service for peace and reconciliation can be a role model for young people.

    With Shimon Peres, Israel has lost a big statesmen and Germany has lost a true friend. We will keep him in honored remembrance.” 

    Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India:
    In former President Shimon Peres, we lost a key world leader & a friend of India. Pained by his demise. Our condolences to people of Israel.

    The Indian National Congress:
    Congress President Smt. Sonia Gandhi has condoled the passing away of Nobel laureate, fmr PM & Former President of Israel, Shimon Peres.
    Describing him as a defining political figure, Smt Gandhi said that Shri Peres will be remembered as a steadfast pacifist and hopeful believer in Peace and coexistence. Underlining that his tenure added strength and goodwill to the Indo-Israeli relationship. Smt. Gandhi hoped that his family, friends and admirers find peace and strength in this hour of grief.

    Sergio Mattarella, President of the Republic:
    President Mattarella conveys condolences for the demise of Shimon Peres
    The President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, sent to the President of the State of Israel, Reuven Rivlin, the following message:
    «I have learned, with great sadness and emotion, of the demise of the President Emeritus of Israel, Shimon Peres, one of your Country's Founding Fathers.
    The determination, courage, passion and farsightedness that made President Peres a major player - over long and troubled years - in the history of Israel leave an indelible mark on the life of the whole Middle East region.
    The Oslo Accords and the ensuing Nobel Peace Prize constitute one of the moments of greatest hope and confidence in the future for the whole international community.
    The life of Shimon Peres, which has always been deeply permeated by feelings and values that enabled him to achieve extraordinary successes, is the fruit of the deep love for his Country and of a relentless and industrious pursuit of understanding and dialogue, with a view to building prospects of long-lasting peace in the Middle East.
    Moved by the memory of this great protagonist of contemporary history and politics, on behalf of myself and of all the Italian people, allow me to express to you, to his family and to all the people of Israel heartfelt condolences and deep sympathy».
    Rome, 28 September 2016

    Matteo Renzi, Prime Minister:
    Shimon Peres, un grande del nostro tempo, un uomo di pace

    Uhuru Kenyatta, President of The Republic of Kenya:
    Earlier this morning I learned that @PresidentPeres of Israel had passed away. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and to Israel.
    I last saw him a few months ago. He was full of vigour, and he dispensed good advice, gleaned from half a century of public service.
    I learned much from his advocacy for peace and reconciliation, advocacy which was recognised with the award of a Nobel Peace Prize.
    I also learned from his resolute defence of democracy against the forces of extremism and terror.
    I will remember him as a man of courage, never afraid to fight for what was right; always ready to make peace when the time was right.
    Israel has lost a statesman. On behalf of the people of Kenya, I pray that God will grant his family & nation the strength to bear the loss.
    Edgars Rinkēvičs, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia:
    Deep condolences to Israeli people and family of Shimon Peres on his passing, he was a true statesman and very good friend of Latvia.

    President Dalia Grybauskaitė extends heartfelt condolences on the passing of former President Shimon Peres of the State of Israel

    President Dalia Grybauskaitė conveyed her heartfelt condolences to President Reuven Rivlin of the State of Israel and to all the people of the country on the passing of former President, Nobel Prize winner, Shimon Peres.

    “President Shimon Peres – a founding father of the State of Israel – was a wise politician deeply committed to his state and nation. He was a forward-looking unifying leader always close to his people. Until the very last day he never abandoned the duty to seek dialogue and peace between Israel and its neighbors, between Jews, Arabs and all the people in the region through political, public and educational action. For this, he holds global respect and a loving memory of all. I extend my heartfelt condolences and those of the Lithuanian people to the family and friends of Shimon Peres and to your country,“ the President wrote in her message of condolences.

    According to Dalia Grybauskaitė, having served his nation for many years with strong commitment and responsibility, President Shimon Peres will forever stay in the hearts of the people of Israel as a deeply respected and loved leader who contributed in a major way to building modern Israel.

    Dalia Grybauskaitė has also warmly remembered her meetings and discussions with President Shimon Peres both in Israel and in Vilnius, very near to the place of his birth.

    Press Service of the President

    Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius expresses condolences over the death of Shimon Peres

    Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius has expressed condolences to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and all the people of Israel over the death of the former Israeli President and one of the founders of the State, Nobel Peace Prize winner, Shimon Peres.

    “On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania and myself, I would like to express our deepest condolences to all the people of Israel over the loss of one of the founders of the State of Israel, the country’s former President and Prime Minister, Shimon Peres. The world has lost a prominent personality and a great politician, whose merits were acknowledged by the Nobel Peace Prize. We stand together in sharing the grief with you”, reads the Prime Minister’s letter.

    Gediminas Kirkilas, Deputy Speaker of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania

    Upon the death of President Shimon Peres, a tireless campaigner for peace in the Middle East, a Nobel Peace Prize winner and a founder of the State of Israel, may I express my wholehearted condolences to his family and relatives, colleagues, the people of Israel, and the Lithuanian Jewish Community, for whom he stood out as a moral leader.

    We have lost a renowned personality and a wise politician who had sacrificed his whole meaningful life to the creation of the State of Israel and its consolidation in the global community and who strove for harmonious coexistence of the State of Israel with the nations of the neighbouring countries.
    As a Litvak, President Peres cherished Lithuania both as his country of origin and as a partner in international relations. During His Excellency’s memorable visit to Lithuania in the summer of 2013, Mr Peres repeated on numerous occasions that “in the world, there are only two important cities for Jews: Jerusalem and Vilnius, the Jerusalem of the North.” He also stressed that “Lithuania was the homeland to Yiddish” and said, be it in jest, that it was “impossible to be a Jew without being a Lithuanian.” To us, this was a very important signal.

    I partake in your sorrow today. However, I am also glad that in a turbulent world replete with challenges we had an opportunity to get to know Mr Shimon Peres, President of the State of Israel, and to work with him for the benefit of warmer and closer cooperation between our countries.
    Gediminas Kirkilas
    Deputy Speaker of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania
    Chairman of the Seimas Committee on European Affairs
    Vilnius, 28 September 2016

    The Royal House of Norway:
    Condolences from His Majesty King Harald of Norway to His Excellency President Reuven Rivlin on the death of former prime minister, president and Nobel Peace Prize winner, Shimon Peres.
    HE Mr. Reuven Rivlin
    President of the State of Israel,
    The Residence of the President,
    Your Excellency,
    I was saddened by hearing the news that former prime minister, president and Nobel Peace Prize winner, Shimon Peres, has died.
    Mr. Peres, who I had the opportunity of meeting myself, had an important role in the struggle for peace. On this sad occasion, we should all be thankful for his efforts and his long-lasting service as an Israeli Statesman.
    On behalf of myself and the people of Norway, I extend my condolences to you, and would ask you to convey my condolences and deepest sympathy to his family in their bereavement, and to the people of Israel.
    Harald R

    The Kremlin:
    Condolences on the death of Shimon Peres
    Vladimir Putin sent his condolences on the death of Shimon Peres, a political giant and a co-founder of Israel, to President of Israel Reuven Rivlin, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the people of Israel.

    Miroslav Lajčák, Minister of Foreign & European Affairs of Slovakia:
    Paying my respect to memory of #shimonperes distiguished statesman, respected leader and distinct politician. @IsraelMFA

    President of the Republic of Slovenia Borut Pahor

    Statement by the President of the Republic of Slovenia Borut Pahor
    Ljubljana, 28. 9. 2016

    "Shimon Peres, one of the founding fathers of Israel, a peace activist and a cosmopolitan has died. His political and moral heritage binds the entire world that stands for freedom and peace to relentlessly search for a solution for coexistence and sustainable peace.

    The persistent efforts of Shimon Peres to reach reconciliation and common future peaceful and safe for Israeli and Arab children in the Near East, are an inspiration for us to never lose hope in making the world better for everyone. In this spirit and due to the complicated world situation the outstanding image of Shimon Peres will be a political and moral signpost for actions for the entire world that stands for freedom and peace.

    Shimon Peres was a big friend of Slovenia. Our meetings were mutually encouraging and had established sincere ties.  He was a politician of a world format, a person who wrote history, and he always carefully listened to our opinion and honestly presented his. He always found admiring words for our land and people and saw a bright future for us.

    Slovenia has lost a big friend. He will always remain in our best memory. Shimon Peres is continuing to be a role model."

    President of the Republic of Slovenia Borut Pahor

    Mariano Rajoy Brey, President of the Government of Spain:
    Condolences from Mariano Rajoy on the death of Shimon Peres
    The acting President of the Government, Mariano Rajoy, sent the following telegram of condolences to the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, on the death of the former President and Prime Minister of Israel, Shimon Peres:
    "Dear Prime Minister,
    On behalf of the Government of Spain, and on my own behalf, I would like to express my condolences on the death of Shimon Peres, the former President and Prime Minister of Israel.
    Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize for his contribution to the Middle East peace process, embodied in the signing of the Oslo Agreements, Shimon Peres worked tirelessly in pursuit of peace and dialogue. His efforts take on even greater importance, if indeed possible, at this present time.
    Allow me, Mr Prime Minister, to also highlight his role in the establishment of diplomatic relations between our two countries, the thirtieth anniversary of which we are celebrating this year.
    I would ask, Mr Prime Minister, that you pass on my condolences to the entire family of Mr Peres.
    I would also like to take this opportunity to express my warmest regards".
    Mariano Rajoy Brey
    President of the Government of Spain

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation:
    Shimon Peres dies
    The Government of Spain received the sad news of the passing of Shimon Peres, former President of the State of Israel, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, together with Yasser Arafat and Yitzhak Rabin in 1994, following the Oslo Accords. During his long career in the service of the State of Israel, he held several of the most senior posts.
    Spain expresses its deepest sympathies to his family and friends and to all the people of Israel.
    Shimon Peres gave a decisive boost to the establishment of diplomatic relations between Spain and Israel, which were formalised 30 years ago, when he was Prime Minister.
    At the Madrid Conference in 1991, at the Oslo Accords, at the peace treaty talks between Israel and Egypt, and Israel and Jordan, Shimon Peres was one of the leading proponents of the peace process. Following his death, the government pays tribute to former President Peres and to all those who had the courage to take steps with him along the path to peace.

    Margot Wallström, Minister for Foreign Affairs:
    Israel has lost a major statesman. I offer my deepest condolences to Shimon Peres' family and the people of Israel.

    Anna Kinberg Batra, Leader of the Swedish opposition:
    Sad news about the death of former Israeli president and PM Shimon Peres. His belief in and work for peace will live on.

    Prime Minister’s Office:
    Prime Minister Theresa May gave a statement following the death of Shimon Peres, the former President of Israel.
    Prime Minister Theresa May said:
    I am deeply saddened to hear that Shimon Peres has died. He was a visionary and courageous statesman, who worked relentlessly for peace and never lost hope that this would one day be achievable. He was a truly deserving winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.
    My thoughts go out to the Israeli people and the family of Shimon Peres as they mourn the loss of a beloved father and compatriot – a great man who epitomised optimism and a belief that by working together we can build a brighter future for generations to come.

    Foreign & Commonwealth Office:
    Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson saddened to hear of the death of one of the great leaders of our time.
    Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said:
    I am deeply saddened to hear of the death of one of the great leaders of our time, Shimon Peres.
    In my last conversation with him he told me that ‘pessimists and optimists pass away the same way. But if you leave as an optimist you have had a better life.’ He certainly had a better life and throughout his long and distinguished career he was a towering figure in Israel and around the world. He was a man of action but also one of peace and we should remember his tireless efforts to secure a lasting peace for the Middle East.
    My deepest sympathies are with his family and the people of Israel at this time of mourning.

    Tony Blair:
    Shimon Peres was a political giant, a statesman who will rank as one of the foremost of this era or any era, and someone I loved deeply.

    Petro Poroshenko, President of Ukraine:
    President expressed condolences to Israeli people over death of Shimon Peres
    President Petro Poroshenko had a phone conversation with President of Israel Reuven Rivlin to express condolences to Israeli people over the death of Shimon Peres.
    “One of the most prominent Israeli politicians, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, a good friend of Ukraine whose affairs for the benefit of his country found a deserved place in the history of nation. Shimon Peres was a prominent figure in global scale, for he always made every effort to promote peace and put the principles of honor and respect for human dignity above all! Therefore, it is a loss not only for Israel, but also for the entire world,” Petro Poroshenko noted.
    The Head of State expressed condolences to family and friends of Shimon Peres.
    The President of Israel informed that he had to cut his visit to Ukraine short because of the tragic event.

    United Nations
    Irina Bokova, UNESCO Director-General:
    UNESCO Director-General pays tribute to Shimon Peres, as Historic Man of Peace
    The Director-General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova, praised the memory of the ninth President of Israel, Mr. Shimon Peres: "He was a great statesman, a great humanist, and a historic man of peace."
    "Shimon Peres leaves an indelible mark on the history of the Middle East and, today, his message is more relevant than ever, to clear the path to peace and mutual respect across the region. A founder of the State of Israel, he remained until his very last days a man of ideas and values, a man of innovation and creative thinking, always searching to mobilize new hope and energy, always seeking new ways to promote dialogue and cooperation, especially through science, for which he was passionate. In March 2016, he addressed UNESCO with a lesson of life, saying: 'Look back on what you have accomplished and the dreams you have had. Continue to dream and you will remain young. Have the courage to dream big.' He will remain an endless source of inspiration, and it is with great sadness that I extend my heartfelt condolences to his family and friends, to the people of Israel."
    In 1993, Shimon Peres received the UNESCO Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize, together with Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat, for his contribution to peace in the Middle East, one year before receiving the Nobel Peace Prize. In 1996, he inaugurated the Square of Tolerance at UNESCO Headquarters in memory of assassinated Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. A great friend of UNESCO, always guided by a profound belief in the power of multilateralism, Shimon Peres led the signing of recent agreements in March 2016 between UNESCO and the Peres Center for Peace.

    Nickolay E. Mladenov, UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process:
    I mourn with the people of #Israel the loss of #ShimonPeres, a Patriarch of peace and progress, father of a nation

    Telegram of Pope Francis to President Rivlin:
    His Excellency Reuven Rivlin President of the State of Israel
    I was deeply saddened to learn of the death of His Excellency Shimon Peres, and I wish to convey to you and to all the people of Israel my heartfelt condolences. I fondly recall my time with Mr Peres at the Vatican and renew my great appreciation for the late President's tireless efforts in favour of peace. As the State of Israel mourns Mr Peres, I hope that his memory and many years of service will inspire us all to work with ever greater urgency for peace and reconciliation between peoples. In this way, his legacy will truly be honoured and the common good for which he so diligently laboured will find new expressions, as humanity strives to advance on the path towards enduring peace. With the assurance of my prayers for all who grieve, especially for the Peres family, I invoke the divine blessings of consolation and strength upon the nation.


  • Condolences of US politicians on the passing of Israel's ninth president

    Congressman Joe Kennedy, Massachusetts – USA
    Shimon Peres brought light to a world that can too often be overcome with darkness. May his memory shine that light on us for generations.

    Congressman Jim McGovern, Massachusetts – USA
    Today we honor Shimon Peres, a courageous leader whose message of peace inspired the world. Our hearts are with his family & all of Israel.

    Congresswoman Katherine Clark, Massachusetts – USA
    The world lost an extraordinary public servant and peacemaker. Deepest condolences to the loved ones of Shimon Peres & the people of Israel.

    Massachusetts State Senate Majority Leader Cynthia Creem, Massachusetts – USA
    Israel has lost a great leader.

    Massachusetts State Senator Eric Lesser, Massachusetts – USA
    The world has lost a true giant: Shimon Peres Dies at 93; Built Up Israel’s Defense and Sought Peace

    Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, Massachusetts – USA
    My thoughts and prayers are with Shimon Peres' family, friends and the people of Israel. A great man has passed.

    Congressman David Cicilline, Rhode Island – USA
    Was privileged to have the opportunity meet with President Peres in March of last year. A truly great man. …

    Congressman Jim Langevin, Rhode Island – USA
    President Peres was a tireless champion for peace. His legacy reminds us to strive for a better, more peaceful world

    Massachusetts Senator Ed Markey, Massachusetts – USA
    We mourn today the passing of Shimon Peres, a visionary peacemaker & a paragon of statesmanship. My full statement:
    Massachusetts Senate President Stan Rosenberg, Massachusetts – USA
    Let us remember the words of Shimon Peres, "Peace should be done not only among governments, but among people." I mourn his passing.
    Senator Kelly Ayotte, New Hampshire – USA
    Today, I join people in Israel & across the world in mourning Shimon Peres - a courageous champion for Israel & an ardent advocate for peace
    One of the greatest honors of my career was presenting a Congressional Gold Medal to Shimon. May he rest in peace
    Senator Chris Murphy, Connecticut - USA
    Shimon Peres was a warrior for peace whose service and dedication over 50 years helped shape modern #Israel. He will be deeply missed.               
    Senator Patrick Leahy, Vermont – USA
    Cindy Saine ‏mourns the passing of Shimon Peres: a light has gone out, but the hope he gave us will burn forever