UNESCO-Temple Mount: Israel concerned by EU’s apparent intentions to compromise 14 July 2016
  • 2016

UNESCO-Temple Mount: Israel concerned by EU’s apparent intentions to compromise

    Israel is concerned by the European Union’s intention to propose a draft resolution that denies the connection between the Jewish people and the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
    ​(Communicated by the Foreign Ministry Spokesman)
    Israel is concerned by the European Union’s intention to propose a draft resolution that denies the connection between the Jewish people and the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Judaism’s holiest site.
    The EU resolution would serve as an alternative to the draft resolution proposed by the Palestinians to the 40th session of UNESCO’s Heritage Committee currently meeting in Istanbul, Turkey (10-20 July).
    The EU proposal is a continuation of the attempts being made to negate the Jewish people’s deep historic and religious ties to the Temple Mount. This despite France’s apology and admission that it erred in supporting the April decision of UNESCO’s Executive Board that considered the Temple Mount to be a site holy only to Muslims.