Travel warning for Tunisia 9 May 2016
  • 2016

Travel warning for Tunisia

    Terrorist elements, especially those affiliated with Global Jihad, continue to operate in Tunisia and commit attacks; therefore, there is a high threat level against Jewish targets.
    ​(Communicated by the National Security Council Counter-Terrorism Bureau)
    The National Security Council Counter-Terrorism Bureau would like to underscore the following ahead of Lag B'Omer festivities (25-26 May 2016) on the Tunisian island of Djerba in which Israelis and Jews from around the world are expected to participate:
    There is a severe travel warning for Tunisia (high concrete threat). Terrorist elements, especially those affiliated with Global Jihad, continue to operate in Tunisia and commit attacks; therefore, there is a high threat level against Jewish targets. It is recommended that visits to Tunisia be avoided.