Revised travel warning for Turkey March 2016
  • 2016

Revised travel warning for Turkey

    In the wake of a National Security Council Counter-Terrorism Bureau assessment of the situation, it has been decided to upgrade the existing travel warning vis-à-vis Turkey from a basic concrete threat to a high concrete threat.
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    The National Security Council Counter-Terrorism Bureau (NSCCTB), today (Monday, 28 March 2016), released the following:
    The deadly 19 March 2016 attack in Istanbul, in which a group of Israeli tourists was hit, underscores the threat by Daesh against tourist targets throughout Turkey and proves high capabilities of carrying out further attacks. Terrorist infrastructures in Turkey continue to advance additional attacks against tourist targets - including Israeli tourists - throughout the country.
    In the wake of an NSCCTB assessment of the situation, it has been decided to upgrade the existing travel warning vis-à-vis Turkey from a basic concrete threat to a high concrete threat, and to reiterate our recommendation to the public to avoid visiting the country and - for Israelis currently in Turkey - to leave as soon as possible.