President Rivlin welcomes Prime Minister Medvedev of Russia 10 November 2016
  • 2016

President Rivlin welcomes Prime Minister Medvedev of Russia

    President Rivlin: As we mark 25 years since the renewal of relations between us, your visit here is also an important opportunity to discuss the close ties between our peoples, and I am looking forward to our meeting today with you and your delegation.
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    President Rivlin with Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in Jerusalem President Rivlin with Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in Jerusalem : GPO/Haim Zach
    ​(Communicated by the President’s Spokesperson)
    President Reuven Rivlin this morning (Thursday, 10 November 2016) held a working meeting at his residence with Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. Before the meeting both men gave brief public statements.
    President Rivlin welcomed the Prime Minister and said, “Mr. Prime Minister, I am happy for the opportunity to welcome you here in Jerusalem, and to repay the warm hospitality I received on my visit to Moscow earlier this year.”
    He stressed, “Russia has always had an important role in our region, perhaps today more than ever. We are faced by many challenges, and at the same time opportunities, and we need to be prepared for both.”
    President Rivlin concluded, “As we mark 25 years since the renewal of relations between us, your visit here is also an important opportunity to discuss the close ties between our peoples, and I am looking forward to our meeting today with you and your delegation.”
    Prime Minister Medvedev thanked the President and said, “As I was preparing for my arrival, I read all the material before the visit and though it seemed as though we met only recently it was already in March – time flies very quickly. My last visit to Jerusalem was in 1990, and I am very pleased to visit Israel. On my own behalf and on behalf of all my delegation, thank you for the opportunity.” He added, “I want to convey the warm greetings of President Putin.”
    Prime Minister Medvedev noted, “Mr. President, you are right in what you say that our two nations have a close friendship, and shared challenges which we must solve together. In our meeting we will certainly address many issues in addition to foreign policy and our bilateral relations.”