President Rivlin sends condolences to Turkish President Erdoğan 29 June 2016
  • 2016

President Rivlin sends condolences to Turkish President Erdoğan

    This cowardly, murderous act is an example of the most vitriolic hatred the like of which we are sadly seeing across our region and the entire world today.
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    President Reuven Rivlin (archive) President Reuven Rivlin (archive) : GPO/Mark Neiman
    ​(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    The Security Cabinet, today (Wednesday 29 June 2016), in a 7-3 vote, following an in-depth 4.5 hour discussion, approved the agreement between Israel and Turkey.
    Mossad Director Yossi Cohen, Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit and the head of the negotiating team, Dr. Yosef Ciechanover, also participated in the discussion.
    The Security Cabinet also decided:
    * To hold a discussion as soon as possible on the conditions of incarceration for Hamas prisoners in Israel as long as the issue of the bodies of soldiers Oron Shaul and Hadar Goldin and of Israeli citizens Avra Mangisto and Hisham Al-Said, who are being held in Gaza, is unresolved;
    * To form a ministerial team from among its members to continuously monitor and deal with the issue of the captives and MIAs, including the creation of leverage on Hamas;
    * To hold a discussion as soon as possible on the recommendations of the Shamgar commission on Israel's policy regarding events involving captives and MIAs.
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the other ministers thanked Dr. Ciechanover, Mossad Director Cohen, acting National Security Council Chairman Yaakov Nagal, Dr. Galit Rejwan from the Justice Ministry and all those who were involved in the negotiations.