President Rivlin expresses condolences following the death of German tourists in Istanbul 13 January 2016
  • 2016

President Rivlin expresses condolences following the death of German tourists in Istanbul

    President Rivlin expressed his condolences, and those of all the Israeli people, and said, “Our hearts go out to you, and the German people, following the deaths of your citizens.”
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    President Reuven Rivlin President Reuven Rivlin : Office of the President
    (Communicated by the President’s Spokesperson)

    President Reuven Rivlin this morning (Wednesday 12 January 2016), spoke by telephone with President Joachim Gauck of Germany, and expressed his condolences following the murder of German nationals in the terror attack which took place yesterday in the Turkish city of Istanbul. Ten people were killed – of whom at least 8 had been confirmed to be German nationals – and a further 15 were injured, in the attack which took place in the center of the city.

    President Gauck thanked the President for his call and sympathies, by which he said he was greatly moved, and expressed the strength of the bond between Israel and Germany. He said, “I know that Israel has had so many painful experiences with terrorism, and I appreciate - and am deeply moved by - your calling me today and expressing your condolences, which I assure you I will convey to the families of the victims with whom we are in close contact.”

    President Rivlin noted that the strong ties between the countries had been displayed a day earlier, at a ceremony held to mark the arrival to the Israeli Navy of a fifth new German built submarine. He said, “Even at these times of sorrow and concern in the face of indiscriminate terror, I want to thank you, and Chancellor Merkel, in the name of all the Israeli people, for your sincere concern for our security.”

    President Gauck responded by saying he was proud that Germany would continue to stand by Israel.