President Rivlin addresses Jordanian Independence Day reception 26 May 2016
  • 2016

President Rivlin addresses Jordanian Independence Day reception

    President Rivlin: "Israel is proud to be Jordan's partner and to stand at Jordan's side, in promoting stability and quiet to our entire region"
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    President Reuven Rivlin with the Jordanian Ambassador to Israel H.E. Mr. Walid Obeidat at the reception. President Reuven Rivlin with the Jordanian Ambassador to Israel H.E. Mr. Walid Obeidat at the reception. : GPO/Mark Neiman
    ​(Communicated by the President's Spokesperson)
    President Reuven Rivlin this evening (Thursday, 26 May 2016) addressed a reception hosted in Tel Aviv by Jordanian Ambassador to Israel H.E. Mr. Walid Obeidat, to mark Jordan's Independence Day. The President began by speaking in Arabic, and extended his warm wishes to King Abdullah II and Queen Rania of Jordan, and to Crown Prince Hussein bin Abdullah, to Ambassador Obeidat and his wife, and "to all the citizens of Jordan, on the occasion of the 70th Independence Day of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. I wish Jordan prosperity. Friends, Jordan is a great and important state in our region".
    The President continued in English, and spoke of the current challenges facing the region, "All over the Middle East, we face difficult challenges; the ongoing tragedy in Syria, the instability in Iraq, and the jihadist terrorism which dares to speak in the name of Islam, brings so many to seek refuge. The Hashemite Kingdom is facing all these challenges with honor, with dignity, and with great national and human solidarity."
    The President stressed, "Jordan has long been a unique example of a strong state, and a moderate state. Your moderation does not come from weakness, it is a sign of your strength. Israel is proud to be Jordan's partner and to stand at Jordan's side, in promoting stability and quiet to our entire region." He continued, "Over the last year, your kingdom has played a critical role in dealing with the violence in Jerusalem which is holy to all of us. The special role that Jordan carries in Jerusalem will remain strong as it is today, and the state of Israel is fully committed to ensuring this status will not change."
    The President concluded, "Dear neighbors, on this special day I would like to wish you security, stability, peace, progress, and prosperity.  On your national celebration day I send you the appreciation of myself, along with that of all the citizens of Israel."
    Ambassador Obeidat thanked the President for joining in the celebrations and said, "Thank you for joining us today to celebrate Jordan's Independence Day, Jordan is celebrating today 70 years of independence and 100 years since the Arab Revolt. His Majesty said 'Jordan's pride in its religion and Arab identity are a nationality constant. Jordan was founded on the religious legitimacy of the Hashemites, who advocate Islam in away that presents to the world the true image of this religion as a faith of tolerance, that rejects  all forms of religious extremism and violence'."
    He stressed the importance of the growing cooperation between Israel and Jordan and noted, "Among our cooperation I would like to single out cooperation on the water issues.  This collaboration has expanded noticeably over the past year, and when we say water in the Middle East, it does really attract the attention of people. We hope that our joint endeavor will materialize soon for the benefit of Jordanians, Israelis, and Palestinians alike. We also hope to see our relations expand in the area of energy."