PM Netanyahu opens school year at "Tamra Haemek" public elementary school 1 September 2016
  • 2016

PM Netanyahu opens school year at "Tamra Haemek" public elementary school

    PM Netanyahu: I want you to be whatever you want to – and are able to – be. I want you to be loyal citizens, integrated into the State of Israel; this is your state.
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    PM Netanyahu with first grade students at "Tamra Haemek" public elementary school PM Netanyahu with first grade students at "Tamra Haemek" public elementary school : GPO/Amos Ben Gershom
    ​(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Advisor)
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Education Minister Naftali Bennett, today (Thursday, 1 September 2016), opened the 2016-2017 school year at the "Tamra Haemek" public elementary school in Tamra, in the Gilboa Regional Council.
    Prime Minister Netanyahu and Education Minister Bennett were welcomed by the school's approximately 200 pupils – in Hebrew, Arabic and English – in a festive ceremony.
    Prime Minister Netanyahu:
    "Hello to you all. Hello first grade. I remember when I came to first grade; I was very excited. It is very exciting. 'Welcome first grade' was written on the blackboard. It took me a little while to be able to read the words. Afterwards it was 'Hello second grade' and 'Hello third grade' – and so it went and this is what awaits you. Boys and girls, I want each and every one of you to do two things: First, learn. Second, be good children. Listen to your parents and your teachers; listen to your teacher.
    I want you to listen to me because I want you to learn – learn to write, learn to read, learn Hebrew, Arabic and English. I want you to learn mathematics. I want you to learn science. I want you to learn history – history of the Jewish People, the history of your public. I want you to learn the truth, and the truth says that we were destined to live together.
    I want you to be doctors, scientists and writers, and be whatever you want to – and are able to – be. I want you to be loyal citizens, integrated into the State of Israel; this is your state.
    I am truly excited for you. Learn well. Go back home and do what mother and father tell you. May you be successful."