PM Netanyahu meets with delegation of senior Indonesian journalists 28 March 2016
  • 2016

PM Netanyahu meets with delegation of senior Indonesian journalists

    We are allies in the fight against radical Islam. The time has come to change our relations; the reasons that prevented this are no longer relevant and I hope that your visit will help with this.
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    PM Netanyahu with delegation of senior Indonesian journalists in Jerusalem PM Netanyahu with delegation of senior Indonesian journalists in Jerusalem : GPO/Haim Zach
    ​(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, this afternoon (Monday, 28 March 2016), met with a delegation of senior Indonesian journalists who are visiting Israel at the initiative of – and who are being hosted by – the Foreign Ministry,

    Prime Minister Netanyahu:

    "The time has come for official relations between Indonesia and Israel. We have many opportunities to cooperate in the fields of water and technology. Israel has excellent relations with several countries in Asia, particularly China, Japan, India and Vietnam. In addition, Israel is also deepening its relations with Africa, Latin America and Russia. Relations with the Arab world are also changing. Indeed, we are allies in the fight against radical Islam. Relations between Israel and Indonesia must also change. I have more than a few Indonesian friends on Facebook. The time has come to change our relations; the reasons that prevented this are no longer relevant and I hope that your visit will help with this."