PM Netanyahu meets with US Vice President Biden and Secretary of State Kerry 21 Jan 2016

PM Netanyahu meets with US Vice President Biden and Secretary of State Kerry

    PM Netanyahu showed US Secretary of State Kerry the Palestinian incitement video in order to show that Palestinian incitement is still a very significant and decisive factor as an engine for terrorism.
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    PM Netanyahu with US Secretary Kerry at the WEF in Davos PM Netanyahu with US Secretary Kerry at the WEF in Davos : GPO/Haim Zach
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu this morning at the World Economic Forum in Davos, met with US Vice President Joe Biden. The meeting was friendly and cordial and was held in an excellent atmosphere. The two men discussed Middle East security and strategic issues and energy.

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, held a very good private meeting with US Secretary of State John Kerry. The two men discussed a range of regional issues including Syria, Iran, Daesh and the Palestinians.
    Prime Minister Netanyahu showed US Secretary of State Kerry the Palestinian incitement video, which he already showed to other foreign ministers at the start of the week, in order to show that Palestinian incitement - by the leadership, in the media and in the education system - is still a very significant and decisive factor as an engine for terrorism.

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