PM Netanyahu meets with Estonian FM Kaljurand 25 January 2016
  • 2016

PM Netanyahu meets with Estonian FM Kaljurand

    PM Netanyahu expressed Israel's protest over the positions of the EU Commission in Brussels and that it has a double standard toward Israel
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Estonian Foreign Minister Marina Kaljurand PM Netanyahu meets with Estonian Foreign Minister Marina Kaljurand : GPO/Amos Ben Gershom
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today (Monday, 25 January 2016), in his office, met with Estonian Foreign Minister Marina Kaljurand and expressed Israel's protest over the positions of the EU Commission in Brussels and that it has a double standard toward Israel.
    Prime Minister Netanyahu told Estonian Foreign Minister Kaljurand that bilateral relations between Israel and most European countries are good and said that these countries need to pressure the EU Commission to change its attitude toward Israel.
    The two also discussed economic cooperation as well as cooperation in technology and on various aspects of the war against terrorism.
    Estonian Foreign Minister Kaljurand was shown the video on Palestinian incitement that was sent to European foreign ministers.