PM Netanyahu meets with East Asian and Israeli religious leaders 12 September 2016
  • 2016

PM Netanyahu meets with East Asian and Israeli religious leaders

    PM Netanyahu met today with East Asian religious leaders who are in Israel for the first interfaith conference organized by the MFA, the American Jewish Committee and the World Council of Religious Leaders
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    PM Netanyahu meets with East Asian and Israeli religious leaders PM Netanyahu meets with East Asian and Israeli religious leaders : GPO/Haim Zach
    ​(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today (Monday, 12 September 2016), met with East Asian religious leaders who are in Israel for the first conference of its kind, a meeting between religious leaders from East Asia and spiritual leaders from Israel,organized by the Ministry of Foreign  Affairs, the American Jewish Committee and the World Council of Religious Leaders.

    Among the participants were representatives of the Buddhist, Hindu, Shinto, Jain, Sikh, Taoist and Zoroastrian faiths.