PM Netanyahu meets with Australian PM Turnbull in New York 22 September 2016
  • 2016

PM Netanyahu meets with Australian PM Turnbull in New York

    PM Netanyahu: I think the future belongs to those who innovate. We both have innovative nations and we can do a lot more together than we can separately.
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    PM Netanyahu meeting with Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull in New York. PM Netanyahu meeting with Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull in New York. : GPO/Kobi Gideon
    ​(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, yesterday (Wednesday, 21 September 2016), in New York, met with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu:
    "It’s always a pleasure to see you. You’re a great friend of Israel. Australia and Israel have a solid friendship and I’m looking forward to coming to visit Australia. And I’m looking forward to seeing you in Israel soon."
    Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull:
    "Very good. Well Lucy [Turnbull] was there earlier this year. We’ve launched our first innovation centre there with you. Really, the start-up nation has been great inspiration to our whole innovation agenda. So our innovation launch pad is there and we will see a lot more collaboration between Australian and Israeli innovators and financiers. It’s a very important step. As you know, that’s the way you have to stay ahead in the 21st century – you have to innovate, to take on the challenges of technology and bring the imagination to bear on technology. That’s how you secure prosperity."
    Prime Minister Netanyahu:
    "I agree. I think the future belongs to those who innovate. We both have innovative nations and we can do a lot more together than we can separately. And also, we owe you one for the Australian troops and the liberation of our country from the Ottoman Empire. That was a great event. I think it was the last cavalry rush in history."
    Australian Prime Minister Turnbull:
    "The last cavalry charge – that’s right, in Be'er Sheba."
    Prime Minister Netanyahu:
    "You have to come and see it.
    Australian Prime Minister Turnbull:
    "I will. I’ll do that. I look forward to coming back."