NSCCTB issues travel warnings for Africa 7 January 2016
  • 2016

NSCCTB issues travel warnings for Africa

    In light of recent events and after assessing the situation, the NSCCTB has issued updated travel warnings for Israelis travelling to certain countries in Africa
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    In light of the continuing upsurge in terrorist attacks in Africa, the National Security Council Counter-Terrorism Bureau (NSCCTB) has – in cooperation with other relevant agencies – assessed the situation and decided to issue updated travel warnings regarding Niger, northern Cameroon and western Chad and to reissue the existing warnings for Kenya and Nigeria.
    New warnings:
    A. Travel warning for northern Cameroon (north of 10 degrees north latitude – Daesh affiliate Boko Haram  has expanded its operations and terrorist attacks in Cameroon, close to the northwest border with Nigeria. The main threat is abduction and attacks against local and western targets, including Israeli and Jewish targets.
    B. Partial travel warning for western Chad – Daesh affiliate Boko Haram  has expanded its operations and terrorist attacks in Chad near the western border, especially the capital N'Djamena and the area around Lake Chad (the Mayo-Kebbi, Mayo-Kebbi Est, Lac, Hadjer-Larmis, Chari-Bagrumi, N'Djamena and Quest districts). The main threat is abduction and attacks against local and western targets, including Israeli and Jewish targets.
    C. Travel warning for Niger – Daesh affiliate Boko Haram (in the south) and Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (in the north) have expanded operations and terrorist attacks in Niger. The main threat is abduction and attacks against local and western targets, including Israeli and Jewish targets.
    There are high concrete threats in the above areas. The NSCCTB recommends that Israelis avoid visiting these areas; any Israelis present in these areas are urged to leave immediately.
    Existing warnings:
    A. Due to increased attacks by Daesh affiliate Boko Haram, there is a very high concrete threat for northern Nigeria. The NSCCTB recommends that Israelis avoid visiting northern Nigeria; any Israelis present there are urged to leave immediately.
    There is a potential threat in the entire country, including the capital Abuja. The NSCCTB recommends that Israelis postpone non-essential travel.
    B. Due to the operations of Somali Al-Shebab, there is a potential threat for all of Kenya. The NSCCTB recommends that Israelis postpone non-essential travel.
    There is a basic concrete threat regarding Nairobi and the coastal strip. The NSCCTB recommends that Israelis avoid visiting these areas.