MFA DG Gold in South Africa 11 Mar 2016

MFA DG Gold in South Africa

    "We Jews understand implicitly the struggle for freedom which Nelson Mandela led here. For us, Zionism is the national liberation movement of the Jewish people."
    During his official visit to South Africa, MFA Director General Dr. Dore Gold honored the memory of Nelson Mandela by visiting his home in Soweto. Signing the guest book he wrote: "We Jews understand implicitly the struggle for freedom which Nelson Mandela led here. For us, Zionism is the national liberation movement of the Jewish people."

    He also met with South African students at the University of the Witwatersrand and addressed the deepening of the ties between the two countries: "As Israel continues to upgrade its dialogue with South Africa it is essential that both countries deepen their understandings of each other's narrative."

    DG Dr. Gold amet with Christian leaders in South Africa. Luba Mayekiso, founder of the Africa for Israel Christian Coalition said: "What excites us the most is the potential between our two countries. Israel has solutions for the challenges that South Africa faces today and as religious leaders we can effect change and we know what is in the hearts of the people of South Africa."

    Gold remarked: "What I continue to find in South Africa is warm hearts. The people of South Africa want to partner with Israel. We are coming back to Africa and we are excited about the potential."

    MFA DG Gold with South African youth at Mandela House, Soweto
    MFA DG Gold with South African youth at Mandela House, Soweto

    MFA DG Gold with South African students at the University of the Witwatersrand

    MFA DG Gold with Christian leaders in South Africa
    MFA DG Gold with Christian leaders in South Africa

    MFA DG Gold meets with Nic Wolpe, director of the Liliesleaf Farm, the site where Nelson Mandela hid and where 19 others including Nic's father, Dennis Goldberg and two other Jews, were arrested by the South African authorities in 1963