Israel and Republic of Guinea sign agreement renewing diplomatic ties 20 July 2016
  • 2016

Israel and Republic of Guinea sign agreement renewing diplomatic ties

    Guinea and Israel are countries with a very long friendship, persisting even through the years without diplomatic relations. Israel is ready to share its experience and abilities for the good of Guinea's development needs in a wide range of areas.
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    Dir-Gen Dore Gold and Ibrahim Khalil Kaba at the signing ceremony Dir-Gen Dore Gold and Ibrahim Khalil Kaba at the signing ceremony : MFA
    ​(Communicated by the MFA Spokesperson’s Bureau)

    Israel and the Republic of Guinea (Guinea-Conakry) today (Wednesday, 20 July 2016) signed an agreement renewing diplomatic ties between the two nations.

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs Director General Dr. Dore Gold, who was in Paris for the purpose of signing the agreement, stated:

    “I am happy to inform you that Mr. Ibrahim Khalil Kaba, Chief of Staff of the Guinean Presidency, and I signed a joint declaration announcing the renewal of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Guinea and Israel.

    This is an important moment, as Guinea renews its diplomatic relations with Israel after 49 years (having been the first to sever ties with Israel in 1967). The number of African nations that have yet to renew ties with Israel is becoming smaller and smaller, and we dearly hope that soon there will be none. Israel is calling on all those countries that have not yet renewed their diplomatic relations with us to follow Guinea, so that we will be able to work together for the good of all the peoples in the region.

    Guinea and Israel are countries with a very long friendship, persisting even through the years without diplomatic relations. Israel is proud to have taken part in the international effort to eradicate the Ebola virus that also struck Guinea. Both our part in the Secretary-General's Ebola Response Fund (Israel was the country to donate the highest sum per capita) and the donation of a mobile clinic are testimonies to this friendship. Friends in need are friends indeed.

    We are now interested in promoting bilateral cooperation all the more. Israel is ready to share its experience and abilities for the good of Guinea's development needs in a wide range of areas, such as agriculture, water management and homeland security.

    The renewal of relations with Guinea follows the strategic decision made by Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Benjamin Netanyahu to strengthen and upgrade the political, economic and security ties with Africa, as expressed by his visit to the continent two weeks ago. As the Prime Minister said, ‘Israel is returning to Africa, and Africa is returning to Israel.’ The visit expresses Israel's commitment to the continent, and the fact that both Israel and the nations of Africa recognize the need to unite in fighting the challenge of Islamic terrorism, which threatens both the Middle East and Africa.”