Cabinet communique 3 July 2016
  • 2016

Cabinet communique

    We are in a protracted fight against terrorism. We are using various means, including aggressive measures that we have not used in the past, and are making a special effort to strengthen the communities.
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    Israel Cabinet meeting Israel Cabinet meeting : Reuters
    ​(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    At the weekly Cabinet meeting today (Sunday, 3 July 2016):
    1. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the following remarks:
    "We are in a protracted fight against terrorism. This struggle has ups and downs. We are using various means, including aggressive measures that we have not used in the past. This includes cordoning off the entire Hebron district, 700,000 people; revoking work permits from Bani Naim, the village six terrorists have come from; a massive reinforcement of our units, two brigades with emphasis on securing the roads; automatically investigating all family members of murderers and terrorists and their arrest as per their involvement; a special effort to strengthen the communities – we will submit a special plan for Kiryat Arba at the next Cabinet meeting; and my directive to ministers which is to combine measures in all ministries to help communities in Judea and Samaria. We are giving full backing to the IDF, ISA and the security services. An ISA representative will brief us on recent events.
    Elie Wiesel passed away yesterday, one of the Jewish People's great men of letters. I knew Elie for over 40 years as one of the people who contributed the most to the memory of the Holocaust, to the imperative 'We will never forget, never again.' In his letters, books and things that he said to the world and to humanity, I think that he gave powerful expression to the ability of our people to emerge from the darkest horror and shed a bright light on its future. Elie was part of this light and I think that the memory of this man, who taught us what memory is, will be enshrined in our hearts and in the heart of humanity forever.
    Tomorrow I am leaving on an historic visit to Africa, after decades in which a prime minister has not been there. In Uganda I will meet with seven heads of state upon my attendance there at a special summit of east African nations. We intend to return to the African continent, which has 54 countries. We intend to return to Africa just as Africa is returning to Israel. This has very important implications vis-à-vis varying our international alliances and international relations, which are expanding to the major powers in Asia, to Russia, to Latin America and – of course – to the African continent."
    2. An ISA representative briefed the Cabinet on last week's terrorist attacks and on the steps being taken by the security forces in Hebron area in the wake of these attacks.
    3. Pursuant to Article 23 of the 1959 State Service Law, the Cabinet decided to appoint Ofer Sacks as Ambassador to Italy, in place of Naor Gilon, who is concluding his term.
    It was also decided that – for diplomatic reasons – Mr. Sachs would serve for three years and for a fourth year upon the recommendation of the Foreign Minister.
    4. Pursuant to Article 15 of the 1959 State Service Law, the Cabinet decided to appoint Karen Terner as Director General of the Transportation and Road Safety Ministry in place of Uzi Yitzhaki, who is concluding his term.
    5. The Cabinet approved draft versions of two securities laws regarding the structure of the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange.
    6. National Economic Council (PMO) Chairman Avi Simhon, Education Minister Naftali Bennett, Economy and Industry Ministry Deputy Director General Michal Tzuk, Prime Minister's Office Deputy Director General Yossi Katribas, and Council for Higher Education Planning and Budget Committee Chairperson Yaffa Zilbershats briefed ministers on actions being taken to address the shortage of trained personnel in the high tech sector.