Cabinet communique 24 January 2016
  • 2016

Cabinet communique

    Our ability to position ourselves around the world, to be a strong country depends first on our military capabilities, but also on our ability to form alliances based on common. We are constantly evolving, and this is bearing fruits.
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    Israel Cabinet meeting Israel Cabinet meeting : Reuters
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Advisor)
    At the weekly Cabinet meeting today (Sunday, 24 January 2016):
    1. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the following remarks:
    "The government supports settlement at any time, especially now when it is under terrorist assault and is taking a courageous and determined stand in the face of terrorist attacks. With the same breath, we are a nation of law and we must respect the law. As soon as the procedures regarding the purchase are approved, we will allow the two homes in Hebron to be populated, as indeed occurred in similar instances in the past. The process of checking is starting today; we will do it as quickly as possible. If, in any case, it is not completed within a week, I will see to it that the Cabinet receives a status report.
    Today, the Cabinet will approve the reduction of water prices. This is another important step in a series of decisions that my government – along with the ministers – is approving. We are working to reduce the cost of living. Here I must say that it was our friend Aryeh Deri who led this very important move. It expresses our sincere desire to make things easier for citizens and to simultaneously ensure the continued growth of the economy; we are doing both.
    I would like to thank US President Obama for deciding to attend the International Holocaust Remembrance Day event at the Israeli embassy. The US President has not been at the Israeli embassy for many years. This is further testimony that the relationship between the US and Israel are – despite disagreements that arise from time-to-time – very strong and steadfast. Over the past two years, and in recent years, we have heard remarks about the collapse of relations. What has collapsed is the talk about a collapse and what is becoming increasingly clear is that this special relationship finds expression in very many areas. One of these, of course, is the memorandum that we are trying to formulate, and will conclude I hope in the coming months, with the US on a package of security assistance for Israel over the coming decade. This relationship also finds expression in the talks I had at Davos with Vice President Biden and Secretary of State Kerry. Everyone understands that in the end, in the whirlpool in the Middle East, with the rise of radical Islamic forces, Israel is the US's strongest, and most loyal and stable, ally in the region. This also finds expression in the shared values and common interests that we are advancing.
    In Davos I also met with many other leaders. I met with Argentine President Mauricio Macri, who told me unequivocally: 'We are turning a new leaf with Israel. Our interests and our values make this partnership necessary. Therefore, we are beginning a new era.'
    I also met with the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, a very strong African country that would like to enhance relations with us. Of course, I also met with many friends such as the leader of Azerbaijan and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, a close friend of Israel, and many other leaders, including the heads of major global corporations.
    I was at a cyber forum along with the leaders of global cyber companies and companies that are dealing with the cyber problem. They asked me, as the Prime Minister of Israel, to describe what we are doing and there is great desire to learn from us and cooperate with us in this field, in all scientific fields, and – of course – in the fight against terrorism. This is the complete opposite of what is described in our media, another angle, one of negative trends against us in international organizations. But between countries, between countries and companies, to the largest companies in the world Israel is a commodity in demand. They want everything we can offer, both in security and in many other areas.
    One of these areas is spread before you – the fruits of Israeli agriculture, as reflected in the innovations of the Volcani Institute . Tu B'Shvat is upon us. It is the holiday of fruits and vegetables and of all living creatures; it is the holiday of agriculture. Israeli agriculture is really, I would say, at the leading edge of world agricultural innovations. I believe that we can further use this in our relationship with African, Asian and Latin American countries – they all actually request this.
    I spoke with several countries, in Davos as well, including the head of the World Bank, who would like to advance our partnerships with other countries. Our ability to position ourselves around the world, to be a strong country depends, first on our military capabilities, but also on our ability to form alliances based on common interests in agriculture, technology, and many other areas. We are constantly evolving, and this is bearing fruits, as you can see here."
    2. Pursuant to Article 18a of the 1988 Equal Opportunities Law and in accordance with the recommendation of the Economy and Industry Minister, the Cabinet approved the appointment of attorney Mariam Kabha as National Commissioner for Equal Employment Opportunities at the Ministry of Economy and Industry.
    3. The Cabinet discussed and approved amendments to the 2016 Water Law.
    4. The Cabinet discussed and approved amendments to the 2016 Prevention of Illegal Migration Law to the effect that the time persons in Israel illegally may be held at the Hulot facility shall be shortened from 20 to 12 months. 
    The Cabinet was informed that 22,000 illegal migrants have left the country in recent years due to Government action on the matter.
    5. The Cabinet marked International Holocaust Victims Memorial Day and Struggle against Anti-Semitism Day.
    The Cabinet was briefed by – inter alia – Diaspora Affairs Minister Naftali Bennett, Jewish Agency Chairman Natan Sharansky, Yad Vashem Director Dorit Novak, Foreign Ministry representative Yuval Rotem and Yad Vashem Chief Historian Prof. Dina Porat. They referred to the following subjects:
    * The upsurge in anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic incidents;

    * A majority of those harassing Jews come from among Muslim migrants, especially in Europe;

    * Jews in Europe feel threatened;

    * Jews are tending to hide their identity in public;

    * There is a link between the upsurge in anti-Semitism and increased immigration to Israel or the intent to immigrate to Israel;

    * The wave of migrants in Europe is strengthening right-wing elements, a situation which could be detrimental for Jews;

    * Right-wing claims in Europe against the presumed intent by Jews to change the demographic order in Europe via Jewish support for Muslim migrants; and

    * In contrast to the past, there is a blurring of the distinction between the State of Israel and Jews, and displays of anti-Semitism are linking opposition to Israel and Jew-hatred.
    The speakers also referred to efforts by their institutions to instill awareness of the memory of the Holocaust in Israel and around the world, the need to reach new communities and act within educational frameworks around the world and in Israel, and international informational and diplomatic activity to fight anti-Semitism.