Cabinet communique 17 July 2016
  • 2016

Cabinet communique

    Terrorism is terrorism, whether it is in France or Israel, and there must be a unified approach of condemnation and war on this terrorism – here and everywhere else.
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    Israel Cabinet meeting Israel Cabinet meeting : Reuters/Sebastian Scheiner
    ​​(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser) 

    At the weekly Cabinet meeting today (Sunday, 17 July 2016):
    1. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the following remarks:
    "Israel and Turkey recently agreed on a reconciliation process between them. We assume that this process will continue without any connection to the dramatic events in Turkey over the weekend
    In recent days, we also experienced the shocking terrorist attack in Nice and it underscores the need for a unified and aggressive approach in the face of the murderous terrorism that is attacking the entire world. I sent condolences -- on behalf of the government and people of Israel – and my wishes for a recovery to the wounded, via French President Francois Hollande.
    The Palestinian Authority also sent condemnations and condolences, but with one difference: Here, not only do they not condemn vehicular terrorism, they encourage it. They glorify the terrorists responsible and finance them and their families if the terrorists are dead
    Terrorism is terrorism, whether it is in France or Israel, and there must be a unified approach of condemnation and war on this terrorism – here and everywhere else.
    Today, the Cabinet will discuss a draft biannual budget law. This law will strengthen economic stability and improve the functioning of government ministries. They will also be able to receive planning and operational outlines for two years in a row. Economic stability, control of expenditures, lowering taxes, reforms with competition – these are what the Finance Minister and I are working on along with the Cabinet ministers, for the benefit of the Israeli economy and the citizens of Israel." 
    2. The Cabinet discussed the implementation of coalition agreements. 
    3. The Cabinet discussed draft versions of:
    * Basic Law: The State Budget for 2017 and 2018; and
    * The State Budget Law for 2017 and 2018
    and decided:
    * to approve, in principle, the aforesaid draft laws;
    * to authorize the Ministerial Committee on Legislation to approve – on behalf of the Cabinet – the versions to be submitted to the Knesset; and
    * to request the Knesset House Committee to expedite discussion of the draft laws.
    4. The Cabinet discussed draft legislation on the prevention of illegal migration and decided:
    * to approve, in principle, the aforesaid draft legislation;
    * to authorize the Ministerial Committee on Legislation to approve – on behalf of the Cabinet – the version to be submitted to the Knesset; and
    * to request the Knesset House Committee to expedite discussion of the draft legislation.
    5. Interior Minister Aryeh Deri and Interior Ministry Population and Migration Authority Director Amnon Ben-Ami briefed ministers on dealing with illegal migration into Israel.