Tax revenues to be transferred to Palestinian Authority 27 Mar 2015

Tax revenues to be transferred to Palestinian Authority

    The tax revenues that accrued up until February will be transferred, offset by payments for services rendered to the Palestinian population, such as electricity, water and hospitalization.

    ​Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (Friday, 27 March 2015) approved the recommendation of Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon, the IDF and the ISA, to transfer to the Palestinian Authority tax revenues that have accrued in recent months.
    Accordingly, the tax revenues that accrued up until February will be transferred, offset by payments for services rendered to the Palestinian population, such as electricity, water and hospitalization.
    The decision was made - inter alia - based on humanitarian concerns and in overall consideration of Israel's interests at this time.
    Prime Minister Netanyahu said, "Given the deteriorating situation in the Middle East, one must act responsibly and with due consideration alongside a determined struggle against extremist elements."