Statement from PM Netanyahu's Office on ongoing violence 10 October 2015

Statement from PM Netanyahu's Office on ongoing violence

    PM Netanyahu made it clear that he expects the Palestinian Authority to stop its wild and mendacious incitement, which is causing the current wave of terrorism.
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    Female terrorist detonates explosive device near checkpoint between Ma'aleh Adumim and Jerusalem - Oct 11, 2015 Female terrorist detonates explosive device near checkpoint between Ma'aleh Adumim and Jerusalem - Oct 11, 2015 Copyright: Israel Police
    ​(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has ordered the reinforcement of Israel Police units in Jerusalem; to this end, three reserve Border Police companies have been mobilized. The mobilization of forces will continue as necessary. The three companies will reinforce the Israel Police in Jerusalem and throughout the country. An increased presence is a primary preventive and deterrent measure.
    On Friday night (9 October 2015), Prime Minister Netanyahu spoke with US Secretary of State John Kerry and made it clear that he expects the Palestinian Authority to stop its wild and mendacious incitement, which is causing the current wave of terrorism. Secy. of State Kerry clarified that the US is aware of the fact that it is Israel's policy to maintain the status quo and not change it.
    Over the weekend, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu asked security officials to massively reinforce Israel Police and Border Police forces and mobilize additional reserve units. Pursuant to the Prime Minister's request, a discussion was held to assess the situation; the Prime Minister approved the mobilization of 13 Border Police companies, in addition to the three that have already been mobilized. At the discussion it was noted that a reinforced presence is a preventive and deterrent measure that assists in maintaining order. The companies will be stationed in Jerusalem and throughout the country.
    Prime Minister Netanyahu: "I have ordered the mobilization of Border Police companies in order to restore security and order in Jerusalem and around the country. We will continue to do all that is necessary."

    Prime Minister Netanyahu will on Sunday (11 October 2015) convene an additional discussion of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Islamic Movement. The security establishment has - in recent days, on instruction from the Prime Minister - formulated a series of actions against the Islamic Movement and the incitement that it is fomenting.