President Rivlin receives diplomatic credentials of new ambassadors 9 November 2015

President Rivlin receives diplomatic credentials of new ambassadors

    New ambassadors from Uruguay, Russia, Slovenia, El Salvador, and Albania today presented their Letters of Credence to President Reuven Rivlin at a formal ceremony at the President's Residence in Jerusalem.
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    President Rivlin with the Ambassador of Slovenia, H.E. MS. Barbara Susnik President Rivlin with the Ambassador of Slovenia, H.E. MS. Barbara Susnik Copyright: GPO/Kobi Gideon
    (Communicated by the President’s Spokesperson)
    President Reuven Rivlin received, during a ceremony this morning (Monday, 9 November 2015) at his residence, the diplomatic credentials of the new ambassadors to Israel from Uruguay, Russia, Slovenia, El Salvador, and Albania.
    First to present his credentials was new Ambassador of Uruguay, H.E. Mr. Nestor Alejandro Rosa Navarro. The President welcomed him and said, “The relationship between Uruguay and the Zionist movement goes back over 100 years. And we appreciate that Uruguay was one of the first countries to recognize the State of Israel.” He added, “We also appreciate greatly the firm stand Uruguay has taken against the violence and incitement against Israel.”
    Ambassador Navarro responded by thanking the President and said, “The warm relationship between our two people has a long history, and we are committed to working to deepen the good relations between us through economic and cultural cooperation.”
    The Ambassador of Russia H.E. Mr. Alexander Petrovich Shein was next to present his diplomatic credentials to the President. President Rivlin began, “I want to express my deepest sympathies to the families of those who perished in the plane disaster in the Sinai. Our thoughts with their families and all the Russian people at this time.” He went on to add, “We live in a small world, where an event in one region can affect the world. We understand Russia’s strategic concerns, while we need to be aware of all that is going on around us. The name of the game is security - without security, we will never be able to move the process forward.”
    Russian Ambassador Shein thanked the President for his welcome and noted, “President Putin sees Israel as a very important partner in the Middle East, and Russia is keen to widen our bilateral relations with Israel – there is much potential for cooperation in the areas of hi-tech, culture, agriculture, and more.”
    Following, Ambassador of Slovenia H.E. MS. Barbara Susnik presented her diplomatic credentials to the President, who congratulated her on her appointment and said, “We greatly appreciate the good relations between our countries, and we are proud to have been among the first nations to recognize Slovenia’s independence.”
    Ambassador Susnik expressed her condolences over the passing of Fifth President of Israel Yitzhak Navon, and spoke with the President about the historic and significant friendship between Israel and Slovenia.
    Next, Ambassador of El Salvador H.E. MR. Werner Matias Romero Guerra, presented his diplomatic credentials, and said, “Throughout the years, Israel has been by our side, through good and bad times. It is a great honor for me to represent my country in Israel, and work to strengthen our bilateral ties in many fields.”
    Finally, Ambassador of Albania, H.E. DR. Bardhyl Canaj presented his diplomatic credentials to the President and invited the him to visit Albania, noting that the President was “well known in Albania and the media followed his activities and statements closely.” The President thanked him for the invitation, and wished him much success in his new role.