President Rivlin meets with former French president Sarkozy 8 June 2015

President Rivlin meets with former French president Sarkozy

    The Israel-Palestinian conflict is not a conflict but a tragedy, and unilateral steps, boycotts, and attempts to exert pressure though international bodies will not bring an end to this tragedy. The only solution to the situation is direct negotiation.
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    President Rivlin with former French president Sarkozy in Jerusalem President Rivlin with former French president Sarkozy in Jerusalem Copyright: GPO/Mark Neiman
    (Communicated by the President’s Spokesperson)
    President Reuven Rivlin this afternoon (Monday 8 June 2015), at the President’s Residence, held a working meeting with former President of France, Nicolas Sarkozy who was visiting Israel.
    President Rivlin welcomed the former French premier and said, “As a dear friend of the people and State of Israel, I am pleased to welcome you back to Israel. You know better than many that in order to establish good relations between people, we have to first build confidence.  The Israel-Palestinian conflict is not a conflict but a tragedy, and unilateral steps, boycotts, and attempts to exert pressure though international bodies, will not bring an end to this tragedy. Unilateral actions will not lead to talks. The only solution to the situation is direct negotiations.”
    Former President Sarkozy thanked President Rivlin for his welcome, and expressed his pleasure at being back in Israel.  He said, “I want to state how much we condemn unequivocally any idea of a boycott against Israeli democracy.”