President Rivlin meets with Italian PM Matteo Renzi 22 July 2015

President Rivlin meets with Italian PM Matteo Renzi

    President Rivlin: “It is our desire to see an end to any conflict, but we view with great concern the Iranian strategy to export fundamentalism across the region and the whole world.”
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    President Rivlin with Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi in Jerusalem President Rivlin with Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi in Jerusalem Copyright: GPO/Mark Neiman
    ​(Communicated by the President's Spokesperson)
    President Reuven Rivlin this morning (Wednesday 22 July 2015) met at his residence, with Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi who is visiting Israel.
    The President welcomed the Prime Minister warmly and stressed the importance of the good friendship between Israel and Italy.  He noted Israel's concern regarding the recent agreement with Iran and said, "We are greatly concerned by the deal signed between the free world and Iran. It is our desire to see an end to any conflict but we view with great concern the Iranian strategy to export fundamentalism across the region and the whole world.  I want to take this opportunity to express my sincere condolences following the terror attack on the Italian Embassy in Cairo, and send my wishes for a speedy recovery to the injured. It is clear to us that in order to stop Iranian fundamentalism, it must be made clear to Iran that this is not the way. Despite our concern over the deal, we know we have many friends and are pleased to count you amongst our closest. I am looking forward to discussing further with you the strengthening of the ties between our two peoples and to being your guest and the guest of the Italian people later in the year."
    Prime Minister Renzi thanked the President for the warm welcome, and spoke of their first meeting when he was Mayor of Florence and the President was Speaker of the Knesset. He said, "We know well of the wonderful cooperation between our peoples, and it is a great honor for me to be here.  We currently face many difficulties and challenges, yet we will face them together. Alongside the challenges are many opportunities for cooperation between our two countries, and indeed I chose to begin my visit to Israel at Tel Aviv University, to bring an important message of our shared future." He concluded, "We look forward to hosting you soon in Italy."