President Rivlin meets with EU High Representative Mogherini 21 May 2015

President Rivlin meets with EU High Representative Mogherini

    This conflict will only come to an end when both peoples understand that we must live together side by side. Israel has no war with Islam, there is a need to build confidence between us, an important step in which is the rehabilitation of Gaza.
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    President Rivlin with EU High Representative Mogherini in Jerusalem President Rivlin with EU High Representative Mogherini in Jerusalem Copyright: GPO/Mark Neiman
    (Communicated by the President’s Media Advisor) 
    President Reuven Rivlin this morning (Thursday 21 May 2015), met at his residence with EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini. 
    The President welcomed High Representative Mogherini, and spoke of his appreciation for her commitment to the mission bestowed upon her, and the importance of her position with regard to her ability to help renew the negotiations with the Palestinians.  "Europe has an important role to play in helping bring an end to the conflict."  He added, "This conflict will only come to an end when both peoples understand that we must live together side by side. I want to stress that which should be obvious, Israel has no war with Islam, there is a need to build confidence between us, an important step in which is the rehabilitation of Gaza." 
    High Representative Mogherini said, "I want to thank you, Mr. President, for your personal commitment to a message of peace and hope, and your wisdom in leading and guiding the Israeli people with an understanding of the complex situation in the region.  The friendship between our peoples is strong and well-established, and my message today is of the need to utilize this connection as a tool to help bring an end to the conflict.  I greatly appreciate your vision of living together, and hope that our friends across the world will be able to help in the mission of ending the conflict, while ensuring Israel's security."
    The President reiterated the need to rebuild Gaza as soon as possible, which was no less an Israeli interest than in the interest of the whole world.  He said, "We can bring real prosperity to Gaza, which will give the residents hope, and begin to build confidence."  The President added that confidence building measures would be established first of all between people, and not just by governments.  He said, "Even after the signing of an agreement, we must learn to really live together, and I believe that if the whole world will promote such initiatives, there is a greater hope for change."  
    The High Representative stressed her deep desire to work in close cooperation with all the Israeli Government bodies, and her sincere intentions to promote tangible steps that could lead to a renewal of the process between the parties.